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All this talk of EMG's etc made me wonder if anyones opened one up to check it out.

Do they have conventional humbucking or single coil configutation.

They're low impedance....how low?

I know the preamps will be SMT but how complex are they?

Do they simply just buffer or provide gain and tone coloration?

How about magnets...conventional? how much magnetism do they put out compared to passives?

You get the question...how different are they to conventional pickups, albeit low impedance and electronically amplified



scroll and your questions will be answered :D

quote from thread: "You can extend the lives of cheap batteries to match or surpass more expensive batteries like Energizers by putting a high capacitance in parallel with them. Apparently, it is their rise in internal resistance which causes batteries to run down rather than them actually running out of chemical energy."

mmm interesting...All I know is they sound a lot better at 18V :D

Tim out


nearly all those posts on that link are useless minus a couple that include zvex's post. its not real special in a emg in there. most of the the pickups qualities' come from the preamp in there thats why you can take a piece of plywood put a neck on it and a set of emg's and sound close to every one else with emg's. but then again it all depends on how much gain you put into it. if you play mega ultra[insert adj. here] gain then nearly any pickup will sound the same as will most guitars.

the lace sensor i took apart. had two coils in it and it used crappy refrigorator type magnets in there which explains why it had noactual magnetic pull. it was a white one from a american fender. as to its apparrent red blue or whatever type being i have no clue. doesn't emg have the tone or freq slopes on there site for there pickups. i know dimarzio carvin and seymour did

thats why you can take a piece of plywood put a neck on it and a set of emg's and sound close to every one else with emg's.

This is so true. They steal an instrument of any sonic characteristic attributed to build, design or materials. I believe EMG's are the work of the devil. :D

thats why you can take a piece of plywood put a neck on it and a set of emg's and sound close to every one else with emg's.

This is so true. They steal an instrument of any sonic characteristic attributed to build, design or materials. I believe EMG's are the work of the devil. :D

actually that one has floated around here quite abit but it is pretty clean compared to what emg's sounds like. there is a guy over at diystompboxes.com who had pics of his own working 81 that he literly chiseled down and got a working circuit off of it. but he said he was quite dissatisifed at how it sounded with any regular pickups as it woudl really distort quite easy. personally i have found you will get more mileage out of simply building something with a mild boost and putting the eq on the outside of the pickup so you can change it with thumbwheels or with a little screwdriver as it makes it a little less of a one trick pony.

for a good diy approach..

thicker wire stacked wide flat single coils will give a better freq response but be really weak then use a nice preamp to clean it up and apply your own eq' to it. if you want to get fancy go ahead and build into it six seperate bands of eq one for each string.


I'm with you on that ansil...I would have thought they'd have a low impedance less turns pickup and the preamp was there to raise it up. I don't see the point if the thing being simply a conventional pickup with a lesser magnetic pull and a preamp. I raised the question, 'cause I assumed that's what they'd done.

What about other active makes...do they use low impedance coils?


I'm with you on that ansil...I would have thought they'd have a low impedance less turns pickup and the preamp was there to raise it up. I don't see the point if the thing being simply a conventional pickup with a lesser magnetic pull and a preamp. I raised the question, 'cause I assumed that's what they'd done.

What about other active makes...do they use low impedance coils?


i have heard that bartolini does have some but i am unsure which models

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