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R.e.m And Afri-can Guitars


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R.E.M. played Cape Town this weekend on their "Around the Sun" tour!

At 6:30 Friday evening I got a call from their managment saying they would like to see and try our guitars!

A mad rush to get to the show and a meeting with Mike Mills afterwards who played one and then personally invited us back on Saturday to bring some more guitars. Peter Buck picked up the one we had set up for him, played it for five minutes and said "I want it"

He will be playing it later in the tour once his tech has it set up with his heavey gauge strings and he (Peter) has played it at sound check.

Mike Mills has expressed huge interest and asked us to let him know as soon as our bass version is ready!

Also Mark Knopfler who was in South Africa earlier this month asked through the promoter about his guitar!

Our new web site is Afri-Can Guitars pictures of Peter, Mike, Graeme our designer and myself will be up on the site shortly.

Thanks to Attie van Wyk and Lara Cohen at Big Concerts for making it all happen!


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such a cool concept.... GOOD LUCK!

Well the concept is actually a few hundred years old. The Ramkie was a traditional instrument made from a gourd and was updated with the oil tin about a hundred years ago. The oilcan guitar was slowly dying as a homemade instrument when Graeme came up with the idea, so in a way we are keeping some of our South African culture alive.

By the way the first guitar my brother and I attempted to build used an old cake tin for a body, a bit like a banjo, so I guess I've come full circle.


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i remember seeing somthing like that a while ago but that is a great concept, brings me back to the days of the mini-bus taxi, and driving with vise-grips lol 

So you've been in a taxi in South Africa have you? There were pictures in the newspaper and on TV a few months ago where a guy was bust for doing just that!


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nah i havent been in one, i value my life too much, but ive been goin past and seein 20 odd fellas packed in there, i used to live in south africa but moved to australia bout 6 yrs ago, its alot.... quieter out here, one thing i do miss is the leon schuster movies.


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