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Electric Spray Guns.


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Hey. I'm a student at the mo (ie i'm skint). I've been dying my tops with a rag and spraying with spray lacquer. I just noticed on ebay some electric spray guns. I've always wanted a proper spray setup but i cant afford one!

Has anyone got or used an electric spray gun? and if so what do they think of them? i know they're not gonna be as good as a proper sprayer, but hey!

Any insights anyone has would be greatfuly recieved!

Just for reference here's some links to what i mean:



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Those things are made for homeowners to spray stain on decks and fences. They just don't atomize well enough for real woodworking. You are going to have problems getting an even coat of stain.

Look for a gaget called a Preval. This is a disposable spray gun. It comes with a small glass container and has a gas cylinder sitting on top. I pay about four bucks american for one and you can shoot about 16 ounces of fluid per cylinder. Does an adequate job for the budget impaired. I use them in my basement shop and in the field for touch up. Not as good as a $400.00 gun, but not that much worse.

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If you think preval sprayers are "not that much worse" than a good gun, you've never sprayed with a good gun. If all you want to spray is laquer clear coat, stick with the rattle cans, those preval things are absolute junk. The electric paint guns are worse than junk, but unless you need to spray a specific color and NEED the preval unit, you're further ahead to use rattle cans.

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The Prevals are no match for even a mediocre spray rig, but if you have no other options it beats the doors off of a brush.

They are essentailly a user loaded rattlecan. If you want to shoot something like metalflake you're stuck with either a Preval or a bunch of cash outlay for decent equipment.

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The Prevals are no match for even a mediocre spray rig, but if you have no other options it beats the doors off of a brush.

They are essentailly a user loaded rattlecan. If you want to shoot something like metalflake you're stuck with either a Preval or a bunch of cash outlay for decent equipment.

Why? Most of the automotive paint shops I know can mix anything you want into a rattle can for you, you don't need the preval ones. The Preval units spit worse than rattle cans, I'd change my mind on color before I used those things anymore, I just personally find them to be no better than a good brush, which is also worthless for metallics LOL. If you want true metal flake a preval won't spray that either, the nozzle is nowhere near big enough.

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Where can you get custom pray cans mixed? I can't count the times that that would have bailed me out of tight spots in the past. None of my local paint suppliers can do anything in under 24 can case lots and it takes 8-10 weeks.

I could really use the name of a supplier that does single cans. Some of my commercial customers get flippy when I show up with a turbine rig to do touch up on furniture.

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