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Les Paul Pickup Blend


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Well, I guess the title sort of explains it all. I want to replace the pickup selector on my new LP with a pot that would allow me to blend the pickups together while being able to select either pickup at the end of the sweep on either side of the pot.

I'm thinking that I could just solder the bridge pickup wire to the left lug and the neck to the right lug and use the middle for the output. I'm not sure if I should use a 500K pot or a full 1M ohm, though. I'm sort of embarrassed about forgetting how to design a simple rheostat, but it's been just shy of a decade since I've messed with something like that.

Any ideas? Lovekraft? :D

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The StewMac blend pot is a true panpot (ie, when turned towards either side from center, only one of the pots changes resistance). Results with a standard linear dual-ganged pot are, shall we say, somewhat less than optimal, and a dual-ganged audio taper is a complete Charles Foxtrot - it's definitely worth it to spend the money for the real thing.

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That's it - at the center detent, both pots are at maximum resistance from wiper to the ground lead, and as the pot is rotated towards either stop, only one pot changes its resistance. It's like having a clockwise log taper pot ganged with a counterclockwise antilog taper pot, except each only operates during half of the complete range of rotation, and maintains a constant resistance for the remainder of the rotation. So, starting at the full CCW stop, clockwise rotation turns up one pickup (with the other at max volume) until the center is reached, and past center, the first pickup remains wide open while the second is attenuated as rotation continues. OK, now I'm confusing myself - is that clear as mud, or what? :D

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Well, I'm pretty sure it's an existing design that they've simply adapted - panpots have been standard studio electronics parts since the advent of stereo recording (although usually in much lower resistances). I'm not sure though - if you can stand the minimum order (usually a 1k-2k lot), Alpha Taiwan will make you just about any kind of pot you can dream up for 4 or 5 bucks a piece (allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery). :D Wanna go halfsies? j/k

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