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First Gig

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My band had its first (not including battle of the bands last year) gig on friday. I dont really know what to say. It was definitely fun, but as to our performance, I mean we played mostly nirvana so its not like we messed up very much, but there was just something about it, I dunno I think we just didnt have enough time to practice. It was only about half an hour and we didnt get paid. We opened for a band called slugtrail who killed us in volume and in skill. They were this really heavy death metal band stoned out of their minds but they still killed us. They did say that they werent half as good as us when they were our age (from 14-16) though. I think it was a good experience and we learned all the songs as a band in about two weeks so all things considered I think we did pretty good. I was just wanting to hear some first gig stories if you all have any that are interesting. BTW mine was a birthday party (girl turing 14) at a skatepark. I played an Ibanez GIO (my drummers guitar, none of mine are presentable right now) through a ibanez distortion pedal and a crybaby wah and a gorilla amp.

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ooo 1st gig stories mine was poop. the levels were all wrong (i think the sound guy was drunk... well the singer was at least). And umm so 2 drunk members the singer and bassist. Levels were all wrong. I had to try and play a song i didnt know lol. i just put it on silend and pretended to play, then when my big solo came up i couldnt even hear it!!! but i messed it up a bit too so im kinda glad lol. But in the end it was a horrible horrible gig and we sucked :D


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It took you 2 weeks to learn how many Nirvana songs?

I already knew the songs, to learn them as a BAND is a bit different, to learn a song as a band there is no easy song unless the whole song is a chorus and no verses or bridges. You have to have the song memorized by the whole band or youve got drummers tapping on the high hat 2 measures into the chorus full of nirvana style screaming. We didnt have trouble learning the riffs and drum tracks, it was the order the parts went in etc. we played a total of 6 songs I think, 3 nirvana songs, 2 seether songs, and 1 original song.

and BTW i sang and played at the same time which is twice the difficulty.

Edited by silvertonessuckbutigotone
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No offense, but you shouldnt be ashamed slugtrial beat you in volume and skill. They look double your age!

Double?!! They look more like TRIPLE. What's that at stage left -a walker? :D

The singer looks like Kirk from Crowbar :D

My first gig was at a bar called the Trophy in Glenn's Ferry, Idaho. They don't take too kindly to the "heavier musical stylings" at the Trophy if you know what I mean. I consider it a miracle that we all walked out of there that night without getting stabbed! B)

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You got the gig under your belt, survived, didn't suck and met a pretty nubile. What can I say???? You done good and will continue to do better!! I about fouled my apparell when I played my first union gig (1963) with a very minor band but I got through it and it just keeps getting easier.

You know what? I met a pretty nubile on that first gig and one of us lost their virginity about a month later! Need I say, she was about ten years older than me. I was a VERY late bloomer and am still ugly as sin.

Oh, I am VERY sorry. I didn't mean to get back on topic. My bad. :D

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My first gig was playing "Closing Time" at my college's Orientation Weekend talent show my sophomore year. Our singer was stoned out of his gourd, we had a Brazilian playing my Strat on lead, an English kid playing rhythm on a borrowed Les Paul, I was covering the bass because I still sucked at lead, and we didn't have a drummer until the dress rehersal for the show when one of the adjunct professors brought out his kit for his band and decided to help us out.

Very eclectic band. It actually turned out to be a very good performance for only having put the whole thing together 24 hours in advance. We all just met, found out we loved playing the guitar and decided to rock out. Still haven't played with anyone as good on lead as that Brazilian dude. He could shred with the best even on a bone-stock (at the time) MIM Strat.

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Well it wasnt My first gig but was erm... mayhem to say the least... (I am the drummer in this band)

Things started to go wrong the moment we arrived :D

My kit which has 5 cymbals... 4 toms on the rack... 2 floor toms snare etc was half hour late (was relyin on friend to bring it down as i couldnt)

So... were now half hour behind the plan (this is battle of the bands final) and the sound techys are gettin annoyed...

The whole band is here now BUT for some reason... the bottom cab on the bassists stack wasnt working... (10 mins after i take a hammer to the back panel and redo the wiring to the speaker thus solving the problem)

So... hour before gig and the whole band are backstage stressin out about al the problems so far... the sound techys done a quick sound check and confirmed things were ok...

Were up... we trek out and do our openin act "The Trooper" (your allowed 1 cover and the rest is own material for a half hour set)

My Bass drum is well over powered and is cutting through everyone and making the overall song sound awful... after the song i scream at the techy backstage... problem fixed...

From then on though we played an amazing set and won battle of the bands!

As others have said so far, Now you have got the first gig out of the way, you wil be able to build upon it!

Good luck with future gigs dude :D

~~ Slain Angel ~~

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If you look like a skinny nervous middle-class kid playing death metal, then people will just think you're cute.

so true, the main idea is to make yourself look and sound powerful. if your voice is shaky and ur looking around the room like the audience wants to kill you people will think your some kid who has no experience whatsoever and you'll be boring.

if you mess up you need to just play it off like it was a part of the song.

we played heart shaped box by nirvana and right after the second chorus im thinking the songs over but i still got the solo and a whole nother verse and chorus. so about halfway through me playing the outro and the other guitar just sitting back lettin me play (that might have looked odd but there are other parts in other songs that he'll play and not me so not too bad) i realize this and thank god theres 2 guitars cuz he started playing the background for the solo right when i realized it so i just let him play it through once and went on like nothing happened. noone noticed at all.

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