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Figured Maple Analine Dye Color Swatches

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So I got these analine dyes so I can experiment with colors before actually comitting to one. I found a cheap (or perhaps just small quantity vendor) that I could get a small baggie full of 40 different colors of dyes.


I know I know, you already ridiculed me once for this easter egg thing, but it was a buck a color, as opposed to $10 each from a "reputable manufacturer"

I didnt test all of them (I skipped a lot of pinks, maybe not enough of them :-) )


Anyway, I'm liking the blues and purples as well as the yellows. I'm making a PRS Santana inspired guitar, so I'm favoring the Santana Yellow and the Dark Green.


I tried to dye black, sand back, and dye color on a few different swatches with very poor to mixed results.

It looked horrible under the yellow.


Nice under the Dark green, it made the red kinda purple, which was nice for the coor, but not the desired depth effect. And it was nice under the light purple shade.


I'm not sure if I'm not sanding back enough or if maybe multiple layers of black/sand back are needed before the color layer. Heres the yellow, post sand back pre color dye


A nice vintage cherry burst might be nice. Although at this point, I'm thinking a nice easy single color guitar might be better....decisions decisions.

You can look at more in progress pictures yourselves...warts and all. It was supposed to have a nice automatically generated HTML script so you wouldnt have to click on text based links,


but something happened to my html code when I ftp'd it to the host server it kept the refernce to the thumbnails right, but not for the enlarged picture. I realized it wasnt working right so I stopped downloading the rest of the files. Youll have to slog through them yourselves unless someone can tell me how to fix my script.


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I can see what is wrong, it is looking for the wrong file extension,

<img src="DSC04977.jpg" alt="DSC04977.JPG" border="0" width="450" height="600">

it should be

<img src="DSC04977.JPG" alt="DSC04977.JPG" border="0" width="450" height="600">

Is it a php script or did you use a gallery creator tool. If its php it should be a nice easy fix. If not then try changing it with one page and see if it works. HTML is very fussy about file extensions and the like.

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I read somewhere on this board that there is a strong blue component in black dye. So when you dye black and sand back then you color over with something like yellow, the blue component of the black dye mixes with the yellow and you get kind of a pukey yellow green color.

Instead of a black sand back, try brown to highlight your figure under yellow.

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Thanks to the both of you for your replies.

After your hint BlackKnight, I went back into ThumbsPlus and asked it to keep all lower case filenames when it generates the script, now it seems to work fine. Here is my new and improved link...


Jer, I'll try a brownish shade under the yellow....I'll see how it goes.

Thanks to you both!

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