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Polymer Guitars


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Pretty much the same idea as Flaxwood has, replacing the more and more rare quality tonewoods with some sort of plastics and composite materials.

CoolAcustics guitars look nice and the material seems to have the qualities needed to replace wood as the material of quality instrument. These type of innovations have only one big enemy, the old fashioned consumers who still want to buy traditional products instead of ones made with modern techniques.

I'd really like to test one of these plastic acoustics. Hopefully the company will be able to really commercialize their product in the near future!

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Yeah, I know what you mean, been planning a special resonator with my mate, it will be a thing of beauty, but if no one buys it, we can't afford to make it, if you know what I mean.

I've heard of the prof that was working on this project, I've also heard of his other work and I would say that those guitars will be doing exactly what he wants them to. Next time I head up that way again, I might pop in and see them.

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I'd love to see these things take off. Same with the NeXt solidbodies from Catalyst. But people don't seem interested. IMO, it's not about sounding like an old Martin. It's about making a good, expressive sound.

Same with electrics. People want Fender or Gibson through a tube amp. Personally, I like my Ibanez through a digital modeler just fine.

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