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Marshall Jcm900 Model 4100


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so let's get on this... i want to buy a tube amp and a frend is selling me a marshall JCM900 4100 model... (don't know what year that model was), so i just want to hear some feedback from you guys of what do you think of this marhsall head... its 100 watts all tube etc. etc. don't know much about the dtails, but just post what you think of this amp.. thanks guys and aloha!!

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That clean isn't so bad but I would look for another amp. The lead sound isn't good IMO. The distortion isn't mainly generated by tubes on that model. A friend of mine modified it changing the EL34 tubes with 6L6. He also changed some recistances. The "clean" sounds better IMHO.

If the clean and crunch sound you're searching, for rock and blues rhythm and solos, there are a lot of other amps from Marshall. It's only up to the price he wants to sell you. Another friend of mine found an old guy was selling it with the 4 x 12 cabinet at the price of the head. In that case I recommended it, then we can modify something. If it isn't cheap I would not recommend it to anyone. Of course that's just my taste on amp sound... and definitevely my 2 cents.

The specs are (from that I can remember):

2 channel (clean - lead)

3 band EQ on both channel

reverb on both channel

effects loop (you can chosse between serial and parallel loop)

3 12AX7 pre amp tubes

4 EL34 power tubes

Yes, I think to remember the right specs. Hope that can help you. Remember: on sound often is a matter of taste :D

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Unless you're playing large venues I'd go for a lower powered tube amp, I had a JCM 900 50watt combo which would be a perfect for the kind of music you're playing. It was ideal for a rock/blues sound but it also had enough gain for metal without the need for an overdrive pedal.

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Because Marshall included solid state clippers in it for more distortion (essentially building an overdrive pedal into the preamp), which kinda defeats the purpose of buying a Marshall tube head. But don't worry about what people say about it - if you like the sound of it, and you can live with the crushing volume of a 100 watt amp, grab it, and never look back. Just expect to be unable to crank it in any but the largest of venues - if you're opening for Slipknot at Ozzfest, it's probably not a problem, but if you're playing local 300 seat clubs, it's serious overkill.

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:D You might well lose that bet! The objection that most tube purists have to the JCM900 is the solid state diode clipping section - and it makes sense that having a solid state overdrive pedal built into the preamp wouldn't appeal to a real Marshall tube amp fan. Personally, I think they're useful enough, but they really don't sound like a great vintage Marshall, and they won't get into Dual Rec territory either. The bottom line is still what you like - if it sounds good to you, and you can survive the crushing volume of a 100 watt amp, it shouldn't really matter what any of us think. Frankly, unless you're playing concert venues, I think it's pretty much overkill, but that's your call, too! B)

BTW, the opinions expressed above are solely mine. If you disagree, cool, but don't bother trying to convince me otherwise - I have heard this amp, way too often, and usually way too loud. :D

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Because Marshall included solid state clippers in it for more distortion (essentially building an overdrive pedal into the preamp), which kinda defeats the purpose of buying a Marshall tube head.

oh so this amp has no tube distortion at all?? so it's distortion sounds like one on a solid state amp... wow thats not good for a tube amp!

so i also can't use this amp for allaround stuff just for ballsy rock, metal shred stuff?

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No, there's some fairly characteristic warm tubey crunch at lower gain settings, but most of the higher gain grit comes from opamps and diodes. It has a fair clean sound (not Fendery, but nice), and the low to mid gain stuff is fairly close to classic Plexi, but it's not exactly a Soldano or a Bogner on the high gain side (not even close). Seriously, give it a listen - it may suit your needs perfectly, and that's something none of us can tell you.

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some say that marshall jcm900 was the WORST jcm that is ever built, why do they say that?

Man I just tried to explain it before, Lovecraft was more clear than me and I agree with him. That's the why. If I buy a Marshall I want a tube head not a pedal overdrive however the clean channel isn't so bad. There always is the posdsability to modify it. And consider the power you need too. If you play in clubs or/and on little - medium stage, believe me 100W are a lot!!!

I bet 99% of those people haven't even tryed one

I think you woud loose your bet :D

Seriously, give it a listen - it may suit your needs perfectly, and that's something none of us can tell you.

I told it is a question of taste, after all discssions. So also if i would not recommend it to anyone..... try it!!! I could like it sooooo much!!!

Edited by gun
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I had this same amp.... I wasn’t too impressed with it. The frequencies that the channels are on just don’t cut thru the mix that much and the lead sounds a bit thin IMO.

I have a modded 5150 now and there is no way in hell I will ever go back to one of those JCM900s.

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some say that marshall jcm900 was the WORST jcm that is ever built, why do they say that?

I bet 99% of those people haven't even tryed one :D:D

Just to make it clear, that comment wasn't aimed at you guys :DB)

Like LK said, try it you might like it...but 100 watts is overkill for most people, there's no point in having a tube amp and playing it with the volume on 2 or having to use a power break all the time B)

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