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Refinish And Grain Fill?


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I have a guitar that I am about to re-finish. HOWEVER it was never grain filled before the waterbased clear coats were BRUSHED on. Now when I sand this stuff back to the wood, will that clear coat have gone INTO the grain and acted like a grain filler? Or am I still gunna need to epoxy fill the grain? (the woods are mahogany sides, rosewood thru neck).


PS: Would black epoxy be a nice touch for that mahogany/rosewood or should I jsut keep it clear? Provided I need the epoxy that is.

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I've searched under grain filler, thanks, the closest I found to what I needed was: http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...t=0#entry225881

And I also posted on that one some time ago, but no one answered the questions. PLUS this is a totally new type of grain filler question, none talk about REfilling grain. As in like I'm asking where if I still need to grain fill if I'm taking OFF a finish that didn't have filler done under it before, ie: would that finish that was painted on have filled the grain?

So no mean to be rude, but really think about the question that's being ask and see if there's aomething EXTRA to it that HASN'T been answered before. I'm NOT a newbie, I know how to use the forum. So if you don't have any helpful comment to contribute, don't bother :D


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Besides which, the search function blows...

Anyway, I've got kind of a related grain filler question that might work to get yours answered --how do you know when you've got enough grain filler?

I put on three coats on my scrap wood today (same wood as the future body)...watched the first two coats seep right into the wood...the third coat went in much more slowly...

I let that dry then switched to sealer...that went on nicely, hardly seeped in at all....

So is that the test to see if the grain is filled--that the grain filler doesn't seep in?

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It's got little to do with seepage; it's filled when it's filled.

Personally, I stain, seal, fill, seal, shoot finish. Seal first, precisely so the pore filler goes where it should go: the pores and nowhere else. For oil/waterbased grain fillers, follow instructions on the product, for epoxy, read Greven and/or Doolin's articles on the subject at LMI. All you need to know. Keep in mind you'll often need more than one application of filler, depending on the filler, your technique, and the wood you're using.

To see if the fill's complete, take a solvent of your choice (that won't dissolve any of the finish on there), wipe it on, hold the piece up to the light at various angles, and check if it's all dead flat, smooth, no pores showing. Pores still showing? Not done filling yet. DO NOT count on spray finish coats to fill your pores for you. They will, if you lay things on thick enough/sand back enough, but it's a whole load more work that way.

Finish prep is a pain, but it's crucial for a good result.

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