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Hello all , I love this forum, I been reading it for a week or two now, signed up and wanted to start posting, I have playing rock for many years and have been learning jazz. just about a month or two ago I wanted and archtop guitar, but could not afford one. so I bought Benadeto's book and video tapes, then it started I became obsessed with making a guitar and wood working. I found a small corner of a garage to work in bought a used bandsaw a no name brand router from ebay, a spokeshave cabinet scapers 4 inch planer, hand planes,etc.and more books. well , I decided not to build and archtop for my first guitar , but instead to copy the strat I have and work my way upto acoustic then to a jazzbox. but first things first my first guitar to build Ive traced the body shape and electronic cavities to route i have alot to learn, ive been making measurements buying MDF handy pannels for templates, maple for necks, mahogony and ash for body blanks. this is getting to long sorry, but hello all I have a lot to learn and post, any help will be apreciated. :D

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My router bit 1/4 top guided bit fell off while routing with a 1/4 " template for the pickups into a halfinch mdf pannell I thought it was as tite as i could get it. either my router stinks or I was trying to go to deep on the first cut or in the wrong direction ?? any suggestions?

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Hi and welcome.

Nice introduction and it sounds like you are going through the process in the right manner..ie reading, reading and asking questions.

You'll find a heap of info in this forum to help you build. Just read, use the search function and ask away. There are several good threads on making strats.

The only thing I can add if it's of any use is to be patient with your build, don't rush anything...and if you are not sure - ask!

If you do things properly and take your time it will be very satisfying.

Good luck and keep everyone updated.

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ok thankyou

I will search then start a new post

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How much of the bit's shaft did you have in the router's collar. I've had too little of the shaft in the collar before and had the bit fall out while I was routing. It's not a huge deal if the bit's not chomping on any wood at the time since the bits are balanced and they fall straight down. Some people just assume that the bit would fly away at 100 some odd miles per hour...and some people don't think about the physics of it. hehe

Edited by thegarehanman
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Welcome to the forum, and I hope you have an enjoyable and informational stay. Learn to use the search, as well as how to ask informed questions and you should be A OK ( just a generalized helpful hint to those new to the forum).

I would double check to make sure the right sized collet was used with the bit. Other than that I would inspect the threading of the collet to make sure it isn't cross threaded or marred - which may explain why the collet isn't tightening up correctly.

Welcome to the madness, and be sure to take pics along the way!

Nate Robinson :D

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I echo what's already been said regarding the router (use the right-sized bit!, make sure it's into the collet), but to add something new:

I started off by borrowing my pop's router. I definitely had the right-sized bit and had it 'in' far enough into the router. However, no matter how much I tightened it up, it always seemed to manage to either not grip the bit tightly enough to begin with, or it would work itself loose. I never found out which it was for sure, but the bottom line is that the bit wouldn't stay put.

If you know for sure you're doing everything right, you might need a new collet insert, or just a whole new router. Luckily, a reasonable one can be had for much much less than most of your other tools, so hopefully it won't break the budget of your project if that's what it comes to.

Welcome aboard!


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thanks all,

I think I did not have the collet seated well enough then tried to go to deep on the first pass, Thegarehanman your right the bit fell straight down , like Plop, I was like ,

what the??^%&, but like you said it did not fly accross the room.

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