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Another Guitar Design...

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Yeah, wenge would work nicely too.

I'm also considering doing it this way... I have a friend with a big old slab of basswood, so I may try to simply make a body for the neck off my RG, and then build a neck if I think I'm up to it.

If I were to use basswood, I'd definitely give it a solid finish... a white+black+chrome colour scheme'd be kinda sweet. Here's the visual on that one...


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Actually, my intent was towards something very comfortable to play sitting down... think of the right leg in that rear cutout, with the bulk of the body up on the left leg classical-style.

I was actually going to ask you about that. I was totally seeing that and I think it will work well. Have you done a mockup yet to test the idea?

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I did a mockup of a very similar design (at least dimension-wise) a while back, and it balanced comfortably. Maybe I'll do a mockup on some stiff cardboard or something later this week.

Anyways, so I'm right near the end of a very dull 3 hour lecture. I've just been messing around with that vector image and came out with a pretty detailed mockup. Man, it's been a while since I've used Fireworks this much:

(Click for a bigger version, around ~100k)


I don't really think I'm serious about the 'juggernaut' name. A friend just suggested it and I thought a concept drawing ought to have a name on it.

[edit - I changed the pickup colour on the high-res version and fixed a couple little mistakes]

Edited by CoryKer
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