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Strin Scratch Problem


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hey i have a small Problem, the high E string is scratching on the frets. This is especially on the Middle Part (7-12th Fret). Shall i change the setting of the neck screw (forgot its english name sorry)? i already tried to change position of the Bridge and the FR (since its a Problem on both of my Guitars :/) but it didnt help...

Edited by Sugizo_Eclipse
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Sorry, I am a real newbie but I say NO!! do not touch the trussrod adjustment to fix one string, the high E in particular. I am a total failure at cutting nuts right the first time, setting up FRs and all things fret but I DO know how to screw up. This is how I would have screwed up: mess with the trussrod. Wait for a better person to respond or (my favorite) put a piece of matchbook cover under the E string at the nut and wait for a better solution. :D

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Well, we need to know what you're talking about:

When you say 'scratching' do you mean that the string is BUZZING (like a bee --which is what I think you mean) or that it really is scratching (like fingernails on a blackboard)?

Also, just to clarify --do you mean by High E --the skinniest string or the fattest string?

In either case, you should probably take both guitars to a guitar tech and have him fix them for you (and you should watch to see how it's done)

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Yes a buzzing...a high *pling* ...i just had the feeling that the whole neck was too straight. Especially at the ESP LTD KH-202. I think this is cause it was standing without strings (because it took me a bit longer to insert the new PUs) so i guess the neck bended to the headstock direction so like that ")" (damn what a stupid description^^). Well what i will do is take it to the guitar store i bought the old one (with the fixed bridge...they need to build in the new tuners anyway, so i can ask what to do about such a problem in future)

but thanks for the answer so far :D

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