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Does The Type Of Gun Matter?

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Don't buy a gun based on what it costs, there are some guns out there that are sold on name and not quality, Binks is tough to figure out, some stuff is great, some sucks, but it's all pricey, Sharpe is the same way. About the only company that EVERYTHING they make is stellar is Sata but they're expensive. Figure out what YOU need and shop around, if you're buying a gun based on price you're buying for the wrong reasons, you need to buy based on what your needs are and then buy the best quality you can find, not the best price, but not necessarily the most expensive either.

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Dont use your brothers gun.

If he has been using it to spray primer onto cars, you will never get it clean enough to spray clear finishes without blobs of primer/paint coming out just when you don't want them to.

This has happened to me when spraying cars.

Buy a new gun and use it solely for clear coats and if your going to spray solid colours buy a separate gun for that also. Otherwise same problem will occur as above.

dayvo :D

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I don't agree with it being NECESSARY to have seperate guns, I do, but then I spray a ton of paint too. But, if he uses that gun to spray high solid primers, it will be way to big of a tip to spray base and clear. It's probably at least a 2mm tip if he is spraying high solid primers (of course he may not be spraying high solids)

And if you are cleaning your guns properly, you should never have the problems of stuff flying out. There is always a possibility, but I feel confident that I could spray clear with any of my guns and have no problems.

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Is an epoxy primer considered a high solids primer? I have a cheapo Home Depot gun that I use on everything. I only spray auto products though. I've sprayed epoxy primer, sandable primer, basecoats, reduced two parts urethanes, and straight urethanes through it. I've never had any problems. I've always been very pleased with the results. I don't remember the tip size off the top of my head. Also, I'm very thorough about cleaning. I spend about 15 minutes with laquer thinner and various pipe cleaners getting everything pristine.



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Well, im not made of money, so any good suggestions, if i were to buy a new gun, what would i want? What is good for begininers.... All i plan on shooting is 2 part poly's, and im really sure that my brother cleaned his gun really clean. I noticed that when my shop teacher shot my first guitar, he didnt use two guns and he has been doing it for years, i guess that is jsut a personal preference?

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I use the 8oz. HUSKY jam gun that Home Depot sells.

I imagine some guys would tell you to avoid cheapo guns like this like the plague. I used a gun comprable to this(but larger) to paint my car while I was in high school and I use that 8oz. gun to paint my guitars now. I don't profess it to be professional quality, but if you set it up right, you can get darn close to professional results(well, at least I can).



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I went to the local auto paint store. they has a set for 120.00 big gun ans a little one (touch up) The little one is all I use, It holds enough to paint a complete guitar.(6-8? oz,) I also paint motorcycles with it. 50 -75 bucks should get a "nice" touch up gun. 35 a descent one, Thats all you need.

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I changed the link to a description. Honestly, I wouldn't use a gun enough to justify an expensive one; that's especially true since I've been totally satistfied with what I have. I'm sure when you start paying what Jeremy pays for spray guns, they become a bit less tempermental as far as adjustments go.

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Mine is a Vaper (off brand of some major company I think) but its HVLP, gravity fed. I have used the bottom feed type from lowes (devilbiss) on motorcycles and they worked great, but the big devilbiss gun sucked, the tip was too big and orange peeled like crazy, I bought the Vaper set when people started paying me. I have a friend who does paint work for the Cadillac dealer and he uses the same guns (Vapor) and on new caddys it matters..... The touch up is all you need

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I don't know what you want to spend, but a good mid line gun that isn't that expensive are the astro guns.


3rd and 4th down the page.

For guitars, I wouldn't really use bigger than a 1.00mm nozzle if you're not spraying a bunch at once.

My bigger concern is, if you are planning to spray 2 part poly's, do you have a forced air breathing apparatus? If you don't, you have 2 choices, buy one, or take many years off your life. Don't screw around with this stuff, take it seriously, it is an isocyanate and it will kill you. Artificial air and a paint booth are IMO must have's with this stuff, no joke.

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I have an Astro touch up gun, and it sprays great. It's around $35 from Amazon/Tool Crib of the North. It sprays better than the Badger 400, and any of the other Binks copies. Also, it is the gun of choice for Yaz, the guy who worked at the Fender Custom shop and did the sunburst video for Stew-Mac. I mostly use it to spray Nitro.....

Here is what it can do.


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LGM, i was going to spray in my back yard/side of my house, lots of open area and ventlation. As far as a mask goes i was going to use one that two cartrages that are inter change able, is this going to be good enough? If not how much does a system ur talking about cost? BTW, making sure i have this right, 2 part polys are car paint with a primer, color then clear right? with a hardener added to it?

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I think i found tha kit im gonna give a try. Its this one. Has three guns and a cleaning kit, i can use the touch up gun for doing one guitar and the bigger guns for doing many. I will be prolly about a month before i buy this, so still keep the sugesstions coming. One i get it and spray i will let you know how it holds up.

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That looks like mine. After checking the box there are 2 guns still in it both large, 1 for primer, 1 paint... The 1.0 tip is what I'm using in the little gun The big ones have a 1.3 and a 2.0 in them. The 2.0 says its is for the primer (higher solids content?) Any how I have had great luck with it. I always paint a box first (card board) to get it adjusted, then wipe with reducer, first 2 light coats then refill and spray again 3-4 lite coats, (I go smoke and coke between coats) that finishes it up for a couple days. Wet sand, let dry, wipe with reducer, then spray again. and its ready for polishing next weekend.

(for those wondering

its the drinking kind)

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Jeremy has said this time and again. A good carbon filter is simply not enough for spraying 2 part polys. I can attest to this. I've sprayed 2 part polys before with just a carbon filter mask and you can smell the stuff through the mask. Since I'm just spraying guitars, I can hold my breath for the duration of walking into the booth, spraying a coat, and leaving. However, I've made it up in my mind that I won't spray 2 part polys at all until I buy a positive air flow system. That's a problem, because I can't see myself spraying laquer when I could almost, just as easily be using(what I consider much better...though that's just my opinion) 2 part polys. The systems aren't unreasonably priced either. I'm looking at a system by HobbyAir that runs about $400. It's got the pump, a 40' hose, and a full head hood. I still haven't decided about the booth though. Normally I work in a very well ventilated area, but I have access to a lot of free lumber, so I may just build it for the heck of it.



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