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Refinishing An Old Bass.


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I spent 3 hours sanding the body this morning, correcting all of the past mistakes as well. I'm going to spray the touch-ups on the front first, then level it down. Then spray the back, and level it down. I sprayed the front today and this bass is looking great. I'm quite positive I will be spraying the clear on wednesday or sunday this week.

I'm not sure if you can bring your own guitars to the guitar show in Dallas next month. But if so, I'll have it with me when I go to visit a few friends.

My how the time flies when ya sanding.....Good to hear that its coming along well...What kind guitar show are they having in Dallas...and when? I'm only 4 hours away


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I sanded the touch-ups, I still have about 3-4 spots to spray over again and it will be perfectly level. BUT I couldn't spray today due to the weather change. It's too cold outside. I attempted to spray in a few areas, but the paint started bubbling up. Luckily I got it wiped down in time. I was hoping to have all painting done by Sunday so I can spray the laquer then.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

The laquer was sprayed nearly 2 weeks ago, so I have a good 1-4 weeks left of waiting. I still need to slot the nut slot on the fingerboard, as well as file the nut. I'll be using a bone nut on this bass. I also need to finish up the paint job on the Jbass pickup, it should only be a few minutes of sanding. I was in a rush to take these pictures, so they aren't that great of quality. Once I get this project done I'll have some very high quality photos.



Click to enlarge!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good to see the forums back up. Copy & pasted from my post on the ERB forums.

I still need to file the nut and wire it up, I'll eventually have sound clips up. It feels damn amazing, I love the profile of the Fender necks.



I'll be working with a friend to wire this up on Friday evening. I already have the pickups and preamp in place, just have to get it grounded and make sure everything is set up. Then of course, finalize the nut. I'll have much better pictures eventually.

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Looks terrific, very interested in what those pups sound like passive. Can't wait to hear the clips.

Are you leaving the headstock like this or are you putting some kind of logo on it?

I'm interested as well, so many tonal capabilities at my fingertips!

I'm not sure with the headstock. If I have an idea, I can always put it over the finish and shoot some clear over it, then level it flat. Or epoxy some type of inlay in. But I don't have any logo ideas yet.

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  • 1 year later...

Finally complete, it was hellish trying to get this thing wired properly. I spent 3 months off and on working on it and never got everything fully working so I took it to a professional. It took them about 4 months to wire it. I have some repair work to do on the electronics cavity area before I fit the cavity cover on. More pictures on my site.



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