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Hollowboy with a twist

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Wow, thats an awesome idea....although, I too am kinda skeptical about the tone it would produce.....I think I'm gonna have to try that. Actually, just thought of this now, wouldn't doing this have the same effect as a bolt-on neck vs. set-in? This is making a lot more sense now, I think it would look cool too!



great idea!

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you could leave the area around the neck "loose" so then that way you wouldnt have to be as careful changing? still have to be careful tho. its kind has endless possiblities. you just have to plan ahead and think about where your going to locate you screws and then leave enough wood to screw to.

really I thought it was a cool stupid idea that would work too well but thoguth I would throw it out for some feed back. now it doesnt seem so stupid hehe

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Here is what I was thinking, The back piece of body wood, would be routed out, except for one piece coming up through even the top piece to mount the bridge on, then all of the controls and electronics would be mounted on the top piece of wood, making it like a pickguard, easy to remove for modifications, repair etc...this keeps sounding better and better!


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Another "advantage" (or maybe rather "possibility") would be that you can put pieces of wood (temporarily) into the hollow parts of the body, which should affect the tone. Like filling half of the sound chambers with mahogany.

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I dont know how well filling the chambers with another wood would be because if you want to fool around with different wood you want it tight enough not rattle( that might be a cool effect in its self tho) but yet you will still have to get it out to change it. but you change figure it out if you want to try it bad enough. hmm Im starting to thinking its workable just needs planning just dont know how it will sound tho

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