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Cracked Neckjoint

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If the wood is cracked I would use the thinnest version of CA, let it run into the crack and clamp it up. Use soft clamping cauls with a hard back (plywood with cork face) to protect the guitar, and put waxed paper between the guitar and the cauls. Be careful not to use too much or you might find that it’s easy to get stuck to guitar repairing…I mean it. This stuff needs some time to get used to. If you’re not used to CA, practise!

Also be aware that CA won’t come off the finish. You’ll have to sand and buff the finish. There are instructions on that all over the forum.

Having that said I would like to add a thing about the crack. If I understand your description right (having no pics to look at) its not sure that it is a crack in the wood. This type of cracks is quite common on bolt on necks and most of the time it is only a crack in the finish. It often looks like a wood crack, but seldom is. Is the crack visible on both the inside and outside of the neck pocket? Even if it is, its not 100% sure that it is a thru crack.

Prepare for the CA fix; stack up on clamps, cauls and wax paper. Place the smallest possible drop of CA on the crack from the inside of the neck pocket. If the CA seeps into the crack, follow it with more until you can se it in the crack from the outside. Clamp it up, let it set and your guitar should be good. If the first drop doesn’t seep into the crack, you have a finish crack, which is purely a cosmetic issue.

Good luck

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