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New Guy Just Saying Hello And Trying This Out.

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Brand new to this forum. My first post.

Seeing all the topics has me entusiastic about asking questions and learning all I can about my guitars. I used to build guitars as a hobby over twenty years ago, and now, time and work allows me to restart my passion.

I look forward to writing to all those who care to share their experience and knowledge.

Did I sound too formal?

Well, I thought I'd make a good impression.

You know, it's just like my first impression to my father-in-law. He bought it....now he regrets it, sort of..

Take care all, and thanks in advance for any and all information.


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Testing, testing..

Hey, hey, hey...it works...

Welcome Mike to PG :D

Make yourself at home! If you want to post pics BTW, photobucket.com is pretty good...there are a few threads in this part of the forum on posting pics, searching, blah, blah, blah... I'm sure you will get the general idea!

enjoy your stay and have fun building and/or just contributing and encouraging others at PG... pete :D

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Welcome aboard.

You're not being too formal for me, I'm always happy to see people who write in complete sentences, with capitals and punctuation to boot. (A lost art in the chat room age.)

You'll find lots of interesting people on this board, with equally interesting ideas to share.

I'm a school teacher and have been working on a better way to show new members how to find effective ways to use the board to find what they need.

Visit the link below to see some of the things I've developed so far:


(If you can, let me know if the stuff above helps you?)

Be Cool,

d ward

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Welcome! Project Guitar is a great place to learn about guitar building. You won't regret it. I'm relatively new myself and people have been great.

Spend some time digging through the tutorials and build diaries - there's a wealth of information there. Also, note the search feature. You'll be able to answer many of your own questions with just a quick search.

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I used to build guitars as a hobby over twenty years ago, and now, time and work allows me to restart my passion.


Hey, Mike. Glad to have you on board. Welcome to the forum.

You remind me of myself because I used to dabble in guitar building (or destruction more like) and got back into it when I found this forum. Building your own and building them the way you like them will totally change the way you look at the instrument.

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