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Shred Guitar For Mr.fastfinger

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I want to present my new project on a shred guitar for Mr.Fastfinger. <snip>


Hello Ben,

Nice looking guitar....I'm looking forward to seeing the progress.

What makes a guitar a shred guitar? I'm guessing low action, good access to high frets...are there design features that make a guitar good for shredding other than looking the part?



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Shredding is the art of playing the guitar in an amazing way, coupling awesome technique with baffling speed,...

So a shred guitar is a guitar that allows such playing. Of course every guitar could be used for this, but there are guitars which are better for it. As you said: low action, good access to high frets, and I think a versatile sound for different styles. So you have to choose the right the pickups and electronics. We agreed on the Seymour Duncan SH-2 in the neck and the SH-10 in the bridge. You can switch both of them to Single Coils. I will describe the electronics properly when the guitar is ready.

Mika and me designed a guitar which will be perfect for shredding, a mixture between a "old-school" Strat and a modern "Jem" guitar. Best of both worlds. A Les Paul is guitar for Rock, but not for Shred. This is my opinion.

As visual features I use that Carbon-fibers everywhere a normal guitar has plastic.

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Well the price of a custom build guitar vary between 2000 and 2500 Euros. You can understand that the wood and parts have very much influence on the price. Furthermore I concentarte on the designs I have built in the past(at the moment). I do not build Les Pauls i.e.

But I plan to make a kind of a little series of that fastfinger guitar. You can choose only the wood, pickups, colour and so on... but the design is the same. I hope I can give this guitar for about 1500 Euros away (this prize will be updated when the guitar is finished and I know the work on it).


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  • 2 months later...

The new guitar for Mr.Fastfinger is ready. It is called "Qian".

Mika visited me and tested the guitar in any detaills with different amps and in context with a band. He was amazed by the guitar and Mr.Fastfinger will use this guitar in the future. You can hear some soundfiles on his site very soon, but now here are pictures of the guitar.










watch out: www.benreuters.de

Edited by ragman
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Turned out really nice! I love the way the pickguard came out. Very cool effect. One thing that puzzles me is the way the finish looks... from angles and close-ups it looks extremely glossy (nice job!) however from the full front on image it looks almost like a satin finish? Probably jsut lighting I'm assuming. I also really like the way that you did the output jack. That's a sweet idea that I may have to try one day.

All in all, sweet build!


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Interesting guitar. Be very careful when handling and cutting carbon fiber, both the raw cloth and the laminated stuff. Carbon fibers are bad news for your lungs, and just handling the woven cloth can cause them to break and get on your sking and into the air. I've had them on my skin, and it makes fiberglass feel like a walk in the park.


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I love the way that body came out. (That's ash, correct?) These are the types of stained finishes that I love. I know a lot of people love the quilted maple stuff, and I like it in some contexts, but it's just not my thing. (To each their own of course, it's just a stlye choice, just like I might not want a yellow guitar or something) But this finish, I'm just loving this. Especially looks great next to that pickguard. I never knew I liked green so much! I also like how this is a "shred" guitar, (or at least, I get the impression from Mr. Fastfingers playing) but still looks classy, doesn't have the things that I don't like about shred guitars. I guess my praise at this point is all just stylistic choices that I find more appealing than other guitars (not that I'm not blown away by *all* the work I see here at PG) but this certainly looks like a solid instrument all around. I'm really enamored by this thing though.

Great, amazing job.

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