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Any Hobbyist Builders Who Can Build Body Blanks--

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So you want the guitar to a point where you can finish it, assemble it, do a set up and then play it?

Do you want all the fretwork done? Do you want it sanded to the point where you could shoot a finish on it?

Really, the only work you say you'll actually do is sanding the back of the neck a bit.

Let's be honest, what you're actually asking for is a complete custom guitar, just 'maybe without a finish' (and even that you kind of ask for anyway), and shipped to you without the bridge/pickups etc (which any decent builder would want in front of them anyway to make sure it all worked).

But your price isn't what I think will stop you getting offers from anyone good enough. It's the time demands doing something like this puts on a hobbyest builder. Would you be happy if building this guitar took a year? Would you be happy if the answer you got to 'when are you going to do some more work on it' is 'I'm not sure, work's a bit hectic this month'? Pro builders are good, they do cost more, but that guarantees you their time, and a schedule for them to work to. Hobby builders aren't at that stage imo.

I'd strongly urge you to reconsider both what you're demanding and who you're demanding it from, but hey, I can't force you to.

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Nick, this must be at least the 3rd time you've posted this request. Aren't you beginning to see a trend? I'm not trying to shoot your "dream" down, but perhaps it's time to reconsider your propposition. It seems like you keep getting the same replies. A wise man once said "You can have things done well, quickly, or at a low cost...pick any two." I think that saying holds some truth when you're dealing with "hobbyist" builders.



Edited by thegarehanman
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You are essentially asking for a completed guitar. For $250 labour, you'll not even be paying minimum wage to anyone who takes this on. The saying goes 'if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys', and it's very true.

You may find someone who is highly skilled, conscientious and dedicated, but it's vanishingly unlikely. People with those qualities are likely to charge accordingly, and anyone who is willing to work for such little money will probably be a rank amateur.

I'm sure this has come up before when you make these requests, but we've had two instances of people on this forum commisioning work from inexperienced builders, and neither ended with smiles and rainbows. One resulted in a completed commision, but ill feeling and resentment over the time it took, and the other ended in the customers being bulls****ed for a full year, losing his money, and recieving *nothing* in return.

I have gotten many replies, but some people just dont respond back to me (ever) after talking details, Not going to mention names. Or when we agree on a price, They raise the price another $300 for no reason out of the blue, along with only replying once every 3 weeks, Not mentioning names again. Others, I am still in talks with, but not much progress coming along.

Well you should thank your lucky stars that isn't happening after you've parted with money. Here's a sugestion for you - they lose interest because you ask to much, they raise the price because they start to realise how much work they're offering to do for a crazy price. Your request simply isn't realistic.

Here's the real issue: If you want *one* jackson-esque neck through, and don't want to learn to do it yourself, and want somebody else to do the work, *talk to Jackson!* They have a factory, they pay much less for materials than a small builder, and they know a little about building guitars - you'll save money *and* get a guaranteed level of quality.

Again, your request is not realistic, and you are setting yourself up to get screwed.

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