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2nd Build

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thats the body design

heres the wood


its gonna be a curly maple neck through body zebra wood fingerboard with mahogony stripes on either side of the neck the wings are gonna be walnut.

its just gonna be one humbucker with one volume pot since i really dont use my tone knobs since i just started playing guitar. im probly gonna inlay my initialson the 12th fret. what do you think?

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I think it will look good. Sort of PRS-ish, which I like. Is it a left-handed guitar? Thought about which pickups you'll try in it?

A piece of advice: put the tone pot in there whether you use it now or not. If you want to use it later and it isn't there, you'll regret it. I know I would.

Looking forward to more progress reports. Good luck with 'er.

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my brothers probly gonna want one so im just gonna turn the templates upside down i have enough wood for a couple. and what do you think the weight will be compared to this solid maple thing that i built 01-18-07_0202.jpg

oops sorry about double post was gonna edit it in but forgot :D. oh yea for pickups im gettin some cheap EMG select things off of stewmac.com cause i dont really wanna spend much money on this cause i gotta buy alot of fretting tools. and i can laways change the pickups later if i like it.

this is the hardware thats gonna be in it

-toploading bridge (not a fan of string throughs after last build hate ferrules)

-emg select humbucker(cheap)

-economy covered gear tuners(cheap)

70ish$ for the hardware probly. but thats bound to change.

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I really like your design. From my experience, though, EMG Selects really don't sound that great and those economy tuners don't hold tune that well... your build looks like a lot of thought and planning has gone into it and it certainly deserves better. You can find Wilkinson Grover-style tuners for only a few bucks more on ebay and GFS pickups (also on the bay) have a great reputation and, once again, only a few bucks more.

Hey, I like to keep the budget down, too, but I've realized that there's a false economy in buying cheap hardware and electronics if it's going to need to be replaced at some point. It's also a pain in the butt to widen the tuner holes from the economies to gotoh/grover/etc.- styles after the fact. PM me- I might have some extra hardware lying around that will be both cheaper and better quality. Please the progress pictures coming.

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I installed an EMG Select in a cheap guitar and the only improvement is that it was a tad quieter than the stock pickup (this was a plywood Epi LP Special II), but it didn't sound any better.... of course the product of a good humbucker is good tone, not just a noteworthy lack of noise. There are plenty of budget humbuckers out there that sound great and cost less. Like I mentioned before, GFS has a good rep, and from experience, Kent Armstrong makes great bang-for-buck pickups. The Armstrong M213 PAF is around $30 new IIRC. Only a few bucks more than an EMG Select and it has worlds-more tonal character, which is what your project deserves. It would kind of suck to put so much effort into this project only to have its sound reproduced by pickups fit for $129 Indonesian planks.

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stuff should come today or tommorow shoulda been here but snowsnorm delayed the arrival of my stuff. in the meantime i made a radius sanding block turned out great. instead of using the router jig i just kinda used a compass to trace a 10" radius on the side of a block of wood and sanded it with the spindle sander until it was the right radius. was alot easier in my opinion that messin with a jig and it turned out great

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my stuff from stewmac should come today its out for delivery has anyone had experience with the fret sawing miter box and the templates on stewmac and also do you think i could fret 22 frets with 4 ft of fret wire. i did the math and it appears as if ill have like 2 inches spare if each fret averages 2 inches. and that 2 inches will just be waste on the ends of the frets

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nevermind fedex came through! everything came late but atleast it came.


bridge (surprised seems pretty sturdy)


fretscale template for fret slotting miter box (24 frets 25.5 scale) know what that means im gonna need some more wire


fret bending pliers(whyd i buy these)o well could come in handy


stuff on template(just to give you an idea)


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building a practice neck out of pine because i wanna know some problems i might run into

more pics of it being glued




oh and that fretboard cutting miterbox with the cutting templates is AMAZING. i would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quick way to get a fretboard cut exactly its wonderful.

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ok so i have a good lathe and am pretty good at basic wood turning and have turned walnut a few times, so i know i could make some nice knobs with walnut. do you think i should make some custom knobs or use the stewmac knobs i bought (http://www.stewmac.com/catalog/images_1lg/4937_1lg.jpg) for the custom knobs i think i might try zebra wood, mahogony or maple as well. so whats your vote on knobs


-stay with stewmac knobs




oh yea and i put side dots in the fingerboard, radiused, and tapered it 02-28-07_2056.jpg

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i cut out a veneer for the headstock, and theres probly gonna be pics of neck today or tommorow. tell me if you think i should use this as a veneer, or if you think it will look goofy.


sorry for two posts in a row but i just wanted opinions on this too

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