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New Kind Of Guitar Case

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Hey all. Just so you all know, I cannot play guitar. I am very crap at it. This topic is being posted, because I thought you guitarists might appreciate the work i'm doing for my HSC. Also because I need feedback. (I get marks for it)

It's a guitar case with a built in amplifier so you only have to carry around one case. It will also have a built in stand so when you open it, you can sit your guitar inside it, no hassels. I'll update every now and then with new pics to show you how it all fits together, how it all works, and i'm happy to answer any questions you may have about it. So. Here's it so far. I've built the frame (as you can see) put on the outside panels, latches, handle, and piano hinge. It was difficult getting it totally accurate, but it's working perfectly.

It's length is 1330mm (133cm) and it's width is 533mm (53.3cm) and it's depth is 200mm (20cm). It's this big, because it will be able to store a full-bodied acoustic guitar in safety, or any electric guitar, with the amp.

There's the link.


I'll upload a few more when I've got more time.

Later guitarists!

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looking good! ... a word of caution though - i made a guitar case for my GCSE D&T project also - i made it out of ply and beech i think if memory serves me - anyway - once i had made a cracking carcass, with fantastic dovetails and nice locking latches etc - an issue became apparent - it weighed a hell of a lot!!!

Dont forget that whatever you put in, you will have to carry!!!!! ... and i imagine if you have an amp in, and a guitar (be it elec or acoustic) it will weigh a lot...

so go easy and plan well ahead with what you put in!!!!!!

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I hope you're putting a tube amp in there. :D Of course, the transformers will be heavy. I guess you could put a tiny solid state "amp" in there.... but why waste all the tone in your guitar on a lame-o amp? :D

Whatever you do, have fun!

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Well, it's not a glass amp for sure. the amp weighs about... 200grams. including the plate. it's only 50W so it's light as.

sorry to say it, but just because of privacy ideas and my intellectual property (ask someone who did D&T what that is) i''m gonna pull my image down until i patent it. when it's patented it, i'll be sure to put the images back up and even give you insight.

weight will be tested, and if it does become a problem, i'll get wheels! i'm serious.... wheels will be attached if it's too heavy. thanks for the tips guys. you can still all ask me questions about it if you like. just no images yet. sorry. anyone who's had a good idea ripped off them will know that it sucks.

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Having a good idea ripped off does suck, but if you'll notice a few posts up, your idea was already designed and built more than 50 years ago(check out Melvin Hiscock's "Make Your Own Electric Guitar" to see a nicer, older take on this idea). If your case is so heavy it needs wheels, I seriously doubt anyone will buy it, I know I certainly wouldn't. If you want to make this thing really catching, you should look into building/buying an amp that can run on both battery and wall power, something like a pignose. Also, to drop weight, you might want to look into a FRP shell with some very strategically placed strips of foam to pad the guitar.

Oh, and you do understand that patents are quite expensive, right?



Edited by thegarehanman
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