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Teisco Parts Search!

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I'm trying to find some cheap parts for an old Teisco tulip. I found one in absolute mind condition at a garage sale for $2... but.. all the parts are gone! Anyone have one that they could make me a pickguard tracing of? Could anyone out there make me a pickguard? Any help appreciated.

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I'm trying to find some cheap parts for an old Teisco tulip. I found one in absolute mind condition at a garage sale for $2... but.. all the parts are gone! Anyone have one that they could make me a pickguard tracing of? Could anyone out there make me a pickguard? Any help appreciated.

I bought a tremelo from Guitar Fetish recently which is Identical to this one (http://www.vintaxe.com/cgi-bin/vintaxe_viewer.pl?guitar_tiescotulip&japanese_guitar_tiescotulip)

and it was pretty cheap too (http://store.guitarfetish.com/vistsumowhba.html), they also do a few surface mount pickups that might do the job until you can find the real thing, if your going for stock historic type setup.

Hope this helps,


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I've found tons of Teisco Tulips and parts on eBay. I have a search set up for them and I bid on them often. It's the pickups that I love on those things. They suck, but they suck so bad in a good way. They have the most authentic vintage sound I've ever heard. Hendrix, no problem. Les Paul (the player not the guitar), again, no problem.

I can trace the original pickgaurd that's on mine. It's FUGLY looking though. I gotta warn you. The shape is cool and all, just those flowers on it are really bad. I can't believe that thought that was a good idea.

Anyway, I'm rebuilding mine as well. I want to recreate the first electric guitar that I ever owned. It'll be lightyears better than the real one, but it'll look like the old gal.

Anyway, PM me and I'll get a trace, a scan, and all that ready to drop in the mail to you. Just need your mailing addy. Shoot, I'm not going to use the original pickguard anyway. Once you see a picture of it, you may want to buy it off me... cheap like.

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I've never seen a teisco look like this one before. In place of the squint inducing pickguard, there's this nice sort of les paul version there with the pickups covering the routing holes. It's made me rethink about how I want to remake mine.


It's worth it to check out the auction and copy all of the pictures before it's over.

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I've never seen a teisco look like this one before. In place of the squint inducing pickguard, there's this nice sort of les paul version there with the pickups covering the routing holes. It's made me rethink about how I want to remake mine.


It's worth it to check out the auction and copy all of the pictures before it's over.

I really like the one on ebay, but mine is routed differently so I wouldn't be able to go with that.

I wonder what they were going for with the design on the scan? It doesn't look very appealing. lol

If you list it on ebay, let me know, though, I'd still possibly buy it despite the ugliness.

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