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this build isnt really a semi hollow (it is but very little)

but the qeustion is

im worried about the spruce being to weak over the hogged out area when im doing carving because of constantly turning it over and clamping(to the other side of course; but still having it pressed against the table)

its hollowed and it has a number of soundholes, so i was wondering if running some super glue along the grain would stiffen it up until im ready for final sanding?

and if it will strengthen it will it collect dirt and be visible under laquer when sanding?

any thing that could help would be great


this build isnt really a semi hollow (it is but very little)

but the qeustion is

im worried about the spruce being to weak over the hogged out area when im doing carving because of constantly turning it over and clamping(to the other side of course; but still having it pressed against the table)

its hollowed and it has a number of soundholes, so i was wondering if running some super glue along the grain would stiffen it up until im ready for final sanding?

and if it will strengthen it will it collect dirt and be visible under laquer when sanding?

any thing that could help would be great


I am not really clear on what your design is and why it will be problematic(maybe a pic would help). A couple things that I do with my acoustics to protect them, One- on the surfaces that are domed, I let them set on a sanding dish with a matching radius with a soft towel between the dish and body. Two- If I am worried about getting "stuff"(dirt, grime, wicking of glue and what not), I will use a wash coat of shellac for protection.

A pic would really help.



Thin superglue will seep a long way into the end grain. This is visible even after finishing the spruce. I know from experience :D

Thin superglue will seep a long way into the end grain. This is visible even after finishing the spruce. I know from experience :D

I trashed a perfectly good soundboard by not sealing and using CA on a rosette. I feel your pain Peter :D .



thanks; im glad to get an answer on how bad it would be to let ca glue touch the top;

fryovanni; the shape has nothing to do specifically w/ my fears; (that description is actually the name ive given to it );its that im not used to manuevering around a guitar with (what i find to be a very) thin piece of wood floating over nothing

today when i was carving in the neck join, i just covered the top with a buch of masking tape to keep it level with the pressure spread more away from the area in question; even if it in fact did nothing, i felt better and it lived to see anither day!


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