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I have just finished applying the lacquer coat on my guitar and smoothed it by wet sanding with 1200. Now i am at the final polish stage, i have no idea what to use!

I live in the UK, so can anyone recommend a product im likely to be able to get hold of?

What about that coloured Turtle Wax car polish stuff? Ok its good for cars but would it work on a polyurethan (sp?) varnish?

Thanks in advance

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I have no experience with poly-urethane, but I always go from 1200 to 1500 and finish with 2000 grit.

Sounds like you still have some sanding/polishing to do.

Goto you local car supply store and ask for polishing compound, or order from Stew Mac.

Maybe you can get your hands on "Commandant" it's German stuff. I use it and it works just fine.

I wouldn't use colored turtle wax...

Wait a minit... you did put on a clearcoat, right? Not just a color coat?

Good luck!

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Yes. As tsl said, buffing begins after 1200, 1500 and 2000 grit. Each step will make the poly smoother and fine sanding scratches gone. A polishing compound with a high speed buffer will glass it out. Wax will 'seal' the finish...let the poly air dry at least a few weeks before applying any wax so all solvents escape and the finish will properly cure.

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StewMac has a product called "Micro-Mesh" that'll take you from about 1200 to glass smooth. You can also reach them at the MICRO-MESH CUSHIONED ABRASIVES website at their E-store, or contact their UK distributor at <alex@depfabs.freeserve.co.uk>. Lotsa folks swear by it. The military uses it to polish out the scratches on helicopter acrylic domes and aircraft windscreens. I think the wood kit runs about $40.00. Check it out.

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Much appreciated guys. This is the first re-finish i've attempted, learning by mistakes and trial and error has certainly been the way forward! Hopefully, the more i do of this, the better the result. It really is satisfying to say 'yep...i did that' Hopefully it'll back in one piece soon :D

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