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Have you read Melvyn Hiscock's book yet - - - he made the same mistake (template wrong way up) on one of the builds for the first edition of the book and has a template marked 'this side up for lefties' in the second edition!!

you are not alone :D

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I did something like that with a amp.....I was going to see my builder and my 1 watt amp,I could not get any sound out of....I felt like everything was working ,but no sound.He takes it from me and plugs the cord in the right hole,I felt like 2 inches high and started laughing.needless to say he fixed it right away.hahaha We still get a kick out of that one.I was plugging the cord in the out,

That diamond plate is looking better then I thought it would.That is still a cool little guitar.

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I had a productive day yesterday. I managed to cut out an entire pickguard without messing it up! :D

Here's the hardware in approximate placement as well. I'm waiting for the chrome pup ring & jack plate to come in. Then, I'll be able to do some more cutting on the p/g and wire it all up.

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I'm ALMOST to the point of witing it all up. Before I do, here's a question. As I have a big sheet of stamped aluminum as the p/g, does it need to be shielded? The body cavity does, of course... I'm meaning the p/g. I don't know if aluminum is a shielding/grounding metal or not.

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I had some issues with the pickguard, so it got reshaped. I'm not unhappy with the end shape, so it's all good. The action is DANG high. The neck angle isn't great, and I didn't use the bridge that came on it originally. The bridge I have sits higher. This will be addressable when I make a different body later. Also, when I remake it, I'll not have a pickguard on it - it'll be rear routed for the control cavity. The input jack hole is a little hosed up, so I'll make it top mount as well. All in all, though, it's been a very valuable learning experience for me.

I offer my thanks to everyone who both answered my questions and offered their advise.

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Thanks. I understood the basic principle already, but I thought it was going to involve some complex geometry or wood shaping. Folded up business cards will really do the trick?

sure - at fender in the early days they used bits of lucky strike cigarette packs

i use brass shims - you can get 1/2" brass bar in very small thickness at hobby shops - get a few thin ones in different sizes

it dont take much to get the right tilt to bring that action down...

that guit looks cool

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The business cards did the trick! The strings are a bit far from the pickup, but the action is great now. The bridge needed to be tweaked a bit, but that was to be expected. This thing has bee a GREAT learning experience for me. I'm really excited about building the bodies this Spring!.

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I brought this to P&W practice last night. You know - new toy and all. This thing is WAY unbalanced! The neck was constantly dipping like it was a bass. Also, when I sit & play it, it keeps wanting to slide off my leg like a V.

So, with this in mind, when I re-do the body in a couple of months I'm gonna have to alter the body a bit. The leg-side curve will need to be extended for stability. I'll also need to use the heaviest wood possible to try and blance the weight of the neck. The looks of the wood are completely unimportant as it'll get painted yellow anyway. Any wood suggestions?

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i say something in a guitar magazine recently where someone had made a dummy body from a big block of polystyrene for a similar travel guitar. They just cut it to shape and routed out the small body shape in the middle. It wont help with the weight issues but it might make it easier to hold when sitting down

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