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Fender Vi Replica Project

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Hi to all,

Some time ago I discovered this site when I was doing some research for my “fender VI replica” project…

I found some quite interesting builds like the single cut baritone guitar by Pukko. He also encouraged me to make a post about this build…

I always wanted to get a Fender VI, however the vintage versions, the reissues and NOS versions are too expensive… About two months ago I did some translations and got paid by Paypal so I decided to use that money to get all the materials and parts for this project and build myself the Fender VI replica. First I got a 30” short scale bass neck on Ebay and then I got a picture of a Fender VI body from USA Custom guitars and I stretched the picture until the neck heel matched the neck pocket on the body…

Here some pictures of the building process:

The woods I used for this project:

Purpleheart (nazareno) Rum-rum and “almendro”



Drawing the body…


When I shaped/cut the top of the Fender VI


Gluing the whole thing…


More glue…






After 24 hours… the body was altogether… and did some routing on the edges…


Edited by motel_asimov
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Body and neck… I can’t help it… at every step I put together the body and the neck just to image how this is going to look like when completed… :D



Wiring test… I checked the internal cavities I routed over the core… I was concerned about the glue obstructing the wires… everything seems to be ok!



Shaping the body



I still have to sand the body and as soon as I’m done I’ll start the finish which in this case is going to be an Oil and wax finish…

I’ll post more pictures later. :D

Edited by motel_asimov
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Nice build, and I like the creative use of a bass neck! I would probably never think of that. But it raises a question; Is the neck wide enough? I checked with a neck I have lying around, and it seemed good, if not wider.

Edited by Bygde
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Thank you for your comments… The idea to use a short scale bass neck came from the fact I wasn’t sure to have enough woodworking skills to complete my project, also the fact it takes too long to get a Fender VI neck done at US Custom Guitars. At some point I thought that building a neck was the hardest part to build…

The neck is wide enough at the nut but at the heel I’m missing some millimeters… I guess the option will be to set the strings closer…

I think I may end up getting a guider neck from Rondo Music… they sell SX Short scale bass necks to a very competitive price… I can do again the modifications I did on this one… The SX necks are wider.


Muchas gracias port us comentarios! A short scale bass can sound like a bass… As far as know longer scales allow using thicker stings. I received few day ago a Fender VI string set form Musiciansfriend.com and I realized the string gauges are the same I use for my Fender Precision Lyte Bass.

You can play bass lines with a Fender VI however people say it’s hard to play this instrument since the strings are too close and playing with a pick is almost mandatory…

If I’m building this bass is because I want to play it through a Boss Delay and Chorus and then spend days and days playing the Fender VI riffs of the Disintegration album.


Yes nice to see here!!! I checked your website and I loved your VI prototype! If I were skilled enough I would quit my job an start a Custom shop as you did.

A bientot! :D

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It looks great! Classy guitar! The bass I built is 30", which makes it a lot more "accessible" to me, since I came to bass from guitar. The issue with a shorter scale, though, is the lessened string tension (unless you get heavier strings) and thus a less firm sound.

One question... are you really routing that body without eye protection, and without it clamped to the table?! (Maybe the clamp is hidden, but you're scaring me! :D )

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It looks great! Classy guitar! The bass I built is 30", which makes it a lot more "accessible" to me, since I came to bass from guitar. The issue with a shorter scale, though, is the lessened string tension (unless you get heavier strings) and thus a less firm sound.

One question... are you really routing that body without eye protection, and without it clamped to the table?! (Maybe the clamp is hidden, but you're scaring me! :D )


Thank you for your comments.

Yes the body had just one clamp and no I wasn't wearing eye protection. Actually my wife took the picture after I unplugged the router and adjusted the bit... I adjusted the height of the bit and I was checking with the router if the height was right. Thank you for your concern! And you're right routing without eye protection and without clamping is just looking for a serious accident...

As you said some people say the sound is not as punchy or firm because of the short scale. The low E string is 0.095. I play bass and since I never managed to play guitar (I feel frustrated about that), I'm building this instrument to play some simple riffs as Robert Smith (the cure) did on the disintegration album.

I've read that longer scales also help with to have more sustain.

This weekend I'll try sanding the body and get it 100% smooth. Then I'll start the finishing which is going to be OILD and WAX. If I manage to get it done I'll post more pictures.

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here's a picture of the back of the Fender VI body after one coat of Danish Oil... unfortunately I ran out of batteries before I could take another picture of the front side...


I'll take another picture tomorrow as soon as I come back from work.

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Yes the body had just one clamp and no I wasn't wearing eye protection.

Hm... if there's only one clamp, the wood can rotate on you. :D But you probably know that.

The low E string is 0.095.

Wow, I would want a heavier-than-normal string since the scale is shorter! :-?

I play bass and since I never managed to play guitar (I feel frustrated about that),

Try taking bar chords (Emaj form, Am form, etc.) and moving them around the neck. If you drop some notes out, you have a finger or two to play little riffs within the chord shape... this idea really expanded my abilities, just passing it on. :D

The body looks lovely!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's an update...

I strung my bass last week end and I took a picture but unfortunately is not a good one...

I still need to drill some holes for the volume and tone knobs... Then I need to complete the wiring.

This is how my project looks so far:


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  • 1 month later...

Today I got some sun… Costa Rica is going through the rainy season. I also managed to complete some detail on the finishing and the bridge. My attempt to replicate a 62’ Fender Bass VI with some design modifications is complete now.

So here are my some pictures that I want to share with you all:





The next step (this is something that I’ll do in a couple of months) is to add some modifications to the wiring so I can have the “strangle switch” option by adding a push pull pot that will replace the tone pot I’m using now. This will be completed by my brother…

Thank you for checking this project.

All the best,

Motel Asimov

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Nice job, Motel! I´m glad to see you sorted out the bridge issue. One question: what is a "strangle" switch?

Jose Luis,

The Strangle switch is a 4th switch that was added to the fender vi after 1962... so all the fender vis made in 1962 come with a 3 switch plate and the later models come with 4.

Once you turn on the "strangle switch" the pickup signal will go through a resistor that will cut the low frequencies and make the fender vi sound more like a guitar...

Robert Smith from the cure always plays with this switch enabled and that's how he gets his signature sound... well he also plays the fender vi through a delay and a chorus pedal.



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