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First Rebuild


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This is what I bought


This is where I am after sanding with the neck sitting on top.


This is a rough idea of what I want to do except for the different shape, that was my original idea, but I don't think I'd be able to do it very well.


Edited by Kid
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Aside from the body shape change (I don't know if recarving the horns looks all that spectacular...) I don't think this rebuild is hard to do. Basically, what I can gather is you want to throw a maple veneer on the bass and stain it blue, adding dots to the fretboard. Well, you're going to need some tools, eh?

drop top:

-maple top

-router for pickup holes

-drill press and bits for bridge and controls

-lots of sandpaper


-different types of staining supplies


(I would stain the headstock too, for consistency, and possibly paint the back and sides black)



-VERY accurate straightedge/ruler

-forstner bit

-sandpaper for sanding flush

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I have another question, does anyone know about adding layers of clear coat on top of the fretboard? Because I played a fretless rickenbacker and it had lots of clear coat over the fretboard. So I was wondering can you mess up the fretboard if you don't do it correctly, and what difference in sound does it make?

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I'm going to try and not sound mean here, but if you've ever been to an Ace, you know they sell sanding blocks. But you want a GOOD sanding block, a damn near perfectly flat block. Check a guitar supplies website.

As far as your second question, I'm taking it to mean that you're thinking of putting stain on your fretboard. Question 1) Why? Question 2) It's called STAIN. It's going to stain the wood.

I really suggest you use the resources on the main site as well as the search feature on the forums to find your questions and even questions you never thought of asking answered many times over.

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Well I finally got around to refinishing the bass, and I like how it came out especially since this is my first time to either finish or refinish a guitar, even though there are a lot of mistakes on it.



I tried staining it at first, but it came out all spotty, and some parts didn't take the stain, so I ended up spray painting it after I tested a piece of the veneer and I liked how it looked. The pickups are Seymour Duncans.

Edited by Kid
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  • 1 month later...

I edited the last post and included the finished bass pictures.

I don't know if you can see above, but the pickup cavities didn't come out too well. I was wondering what you guys use to cut out the cavities in the veneer with? I used an xacto knife and I couldn't get the corners to come out very well.

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when i was reading through the thread i didn't expect much but that top is nice!

I do however see a thick glue line down the middle :D

its all good other than that B)

Thanks. Yeah, the middle of the veneer was curled up a little :D but next time I'll know to use clamps on that part.

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