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Rosewood Fretboard Help Needed


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hey everybody. On my schecter i lightly sanded my frets with a very fine sanding sponge. I then applied dunlop lemon oil to it twice. It looks healthy and dark but the problem is the fretboard doesn't have that nice feel to it anymore. My fingers dont slide on the fretboard like they used to.

What i mean is before i sanded the fretboard it was like it had some sort of finish on it(wax maybe?) that made my fingers slide really easy on it. Now my fingers get kind of get stuck on it.

I know i should have probably used steel wool but i have used the same sanding sponge on other rosewood fretboards and i didn't even have to apply oil to them after in order for my fingers to slide easily across the board.

any tips/solutions greatly appreciated.


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