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My N*project*gd

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so for anybody here who knows, i did a "refinishing" job on a Jackson DKMG,

it came out so well that i got another one, hardtail, off the CL

thankfully, it was very inexpensive, and i went to town de-finishing the thing

it did not go well, so i'm giving it to a friend to **PAINT**, she's an abstract/cubist painter

so i'm gonna pay her $250 and she's gonna :D

so then i started getting GAS for a new (to me) amp... that's another thread

and i started GAS'ING for a Les Paul-style guitar

so to make a long story short, i scored this:


and i got it for a smok'n deal off the sleaze-bay

and it had a little chip down to the wood on the back of the neck

so i started picking at it with a razor blade and i've now got this:


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razoring the paint off seems a crappy way to remove the finish, its just like picking at a scab.

yeah it is. i find it better than sanding cuz there's no dust. i live in an apartment and cant really do this outside

i mean if ist a project start a post in the "in progress and finished work" area

ooops, no question. maybe a moderator can put this thread in the right section


Edited by free_energy
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