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Finishing Safety Question ... Which Filter?

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I am just getting started out refininshing my first guitar body. I have ordered a 3M fullface #6800 respirator and the organic/acid fume filters to go with it. Is the filter choice the right one for a nitrocellulose finishing effort, given good cross ventilation in my shop, but no spray booth? If not, what would be a better filter choice for this unit? Thanks :D

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They should keep your lungs working just fine. why the full face? Do you plan on doing more than painting guitars with it? Tip- get yourself some anti-fog wipes, some work better than others, wd-40 works pretty good too

Thanks for the response, Hedley.

You know, this year I've had a plethora of health issues ... triple bypass and then a series of "fender bender " ailments one after another: my grandfather was right ... getting old isn't for p*ssies :D So, I'm being overly cautius. probably. Protect the eyes, lungs etc. and still be functional. The half mask is always slipping around when I've used it for welding under a hood, so I thought a one piece setup might be less annoying except for the heat and fogging. I'm used to a full hood so the heat won't be anything new. Reviews I've read have claimed that this model is pretty good for not fogging too badly ... we'll see. I'll let you know how it works out.

Haven't tried the WD-40, sounds like a good idea. There's some anti-fogging stuff for scuba diving that works for quite a while too; I used to just spit in my mask, but don't think I'll being doing that with the respirator :D

Pleasure to have found this forum. Too much to absorb all at once, but some great stuff to learn bit by bit. The level of craftsmanship that folks possess is a little intimidating, but very impressive.

I tried Brian's stripping with chemical stripper tutorial ... very helpful to have. Always is nice to have a clear picture of how something's supposed to work so you don't get bogged down in "Am I doing this right?"

Well, better get rolling, the sanding won't do itself. Thanks again.

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Sorry to hear about your health issues! that is a funny statement from your grandpa, haha, haven't heard that one before.

When using the wd-40 for antifog, put it on very lightly.

Yeah, this forum is great lots of people willing to help and lots of fine craftsmanship

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I have worked in the hazardous waste cleanup business for over twenty years, including as a safety instrutor. While you do have the correct filters/catridges,


Sorry about shouting but respirators make it harder to breathe and can trigger athsma attacks and even heart attacks. If you have had bypass surgery I doubt that it is safe for you to use a respirator. Check with your doctor. You can always use oil finishes or get someone else to do your finishes for you.

BTW Full face do not provide greater protection to you lungs. They just integrate eye protection into the same unit.

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Sorry to hear about your health issues! that is a funny statement from your grandpa, haha, haven't heard that one before.

When using the wd-40 for antifog, put it on very lightly.

Yeah, this forum is great lots of people willing to help and lots of fine craftsmanship

Hedley -- another casualty of age is memory. I forgot to ask you if there's a specific anti-fog wipe or solution that you've had success with or heard good things about?

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I suffer from C.R.S. sometimes too :D

I think these are the ones i used to buy:


I just use wd-40 anymore. just remember to put a little bit on a rag then wipe onto lens, don't spray it from can to inside your respirator, it doesn't take a whole lot to work

Edited by Hedley
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As luck would have it the mask was delivered this afternoon, so even though I wasn't spraying, I wore it around for a bit while I was sanding the body and ... no fog! The thing breathes very well. It was a mostly sunny day. Don't know the humidity, but the air seemed dry enough. May be much different on a cool, moist day, which we have in abudance here in W. Washington.

3M also threw in a sample of their viewing shield protector; a thin clear plastic overlay that attaches to the shield with adhesive at each end. It gets coated or scratched and you just replace it; the window of the mask is untouched. This may be commonplace as this is my first respirator of this type, but very good idea. Welding masks have the same thing out of a thicker plastic, and it sure is nice to have the option.

Anyway, I've babbled along enough for now. Thanks for the help.

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For the short time you will need the mask the whole thing about fog is nonsense. Takes about 3- 4 minutes to shoot a guitar with one coat if that long. I dont see any need to suit up if you are just pouring the product into your gun if its well ventilated. Especially with a large mask. If you are so worried about your health I would have picked a product with low VOCs like a water based finish from target coatings.

Make sure you have an organic vapor filter installed not a dust filter. A hepa pre filter is a good idea as well.

I have the larger 3M full mask and its a great mask. But I dont shoot finishes with it. Your local fire department usually will have a mask seal test they can perform to make sure its adjusted properly. Not sure if this is free or a small charge in your area. If you really care have this done. Well at least in the states it is a fire dept test.

Honestly protecting yourself from wood dust may be just as important if your health is at risk. But no need to go over the top here.

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like a full face respirator won't fog up in 3-4 minutes, paaaleeeeeeease :D

if it doesn't have a breath deflector at some point it will most certainly fog up, even if worn for a few seconds

Maybe you should read the OP it is a 3M 6800. This is not a crap face mask from the local big box hardware store this actually works. :D


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