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i doubt it...his specs do NOT include a floyd...this is obviouslysomething they changed because it wasn't selling well

my guess is it was too expensive

what gets me is the floyd...hanneman DOES NOT play the floyd...i have seen the man in cncert too many times to think he would change now,after 20 years

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In fact I love the neck profile so much it's made me dislike the flatter backed necks like the Ibanez.

On that point, I agree with you concerning the Wizard II neck whose back is almost flat in the middle and a smaller radius near the edges. But I liked the original Wizard neck that had a constant radius with just a hint of a V-shape (well mine did anyway). That's why I sanded my Wizard II neck to a rounder shape but kept the Wizard II thickness.

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Guest AlexVDL
Bottom line get which is the most comfortable for you, both physically and tone wise because no matter what anyone else (myself included) says you're the one who has to play it

Yeah that's the most important... even when the guitar you think sounds better and plays better is half the price of the "real deal expensive one" just take the one you like, not the expensive one because "the more expensive the better" is bull! It's all about your taste. You may find mahogany sound muddy and basswood sound just perfect for you and your amp... you may like the flat ibanez necks or not etc.


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ford or chevy, mustang or camaro... i was always about cudas myself. nobody can beat mopar!

i own an ibanez. it sounds so hollow. i like it like that though. i tried out a whole bunch of electric guitars in the store, some were screachy, some were chunky, but when i strumd my beast the hollow sound said somethin to me. just go with what you like! like people have said...

though if i had 2000 dollars i would have bought this sweeeet gibson.

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