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Something Unusual

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We've all seen different neck joints, but the Nigel Forster Archtop is right out there! From what I can see in the pictures (and I'm only guessing past that), the neck extends all the way to the saddles, and the vibration couples to the soundboard via its contact to the bridge. I'm guessing that the sound transfer to be amplified to the box works like a tuning fork which makes whatever you touch it on ring out.

It would be interesting to see how the soundbox contributes to the electric sound - I would expect that the neck could be played "off-the-box".

Very cool concept - wonder how it works?

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That is just beautiful.

if you have hardwood floors, take a guitar and hold it very lightly right above the floor by the nut area. Then strum it, while its ringing, touch it to the floor. The floor acts like a big ol sound box, making the sound louder and bigger. Is really cool. Id imagine this guitar works on the same principal.

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Now that's different. I like it to look at, and I'm a fan of anyone willing to step out and be a mad scientist, but I wonder about the ergonomics. Don't you think it might be hard to reach those strings with your arm against the body. In principle, I'd think the sound would be very, very, very good. I wish he'd put up some A/B soundclips with a traditional archtop.

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