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Custom Bridge Cover Anyone?

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Long time lurker - only my second post.

So, I went searching for a really nice bridge cover for this old Series 10 bass I am fixing up. Admittedly, I am nobody's google warrior, but I do well enough.

I've found NOT MUCH in the way of bridge covers at all, much less anything that might catch the eye.

Is there anything more to the creation of a bridge cover than designing, cutting and bending the metal?

A quick sketch:


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Unless you have high tech machinery, or patience that rivals Ghandi, go with aluminum sheeting. Its corrosion resistant, shines REALLY nice if you take the time, and will be forgiving/easy to work with.

You could make a paper template of the sizes you want, slap it in a vice, use a rubber or brass mallet, and get something that would match your ideal design really easy. Not to mention, if you have a scroll saw and metal cutting blade you can get really intricate with aluminum.

For your exact question, no, thats pretty much it lol. Unless you wanted to use stainless or inconel, it would be a relatively easy process.

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Unless you have high tech machinery, or patience that rivals Ghandi, go with aluminum sheeting. Its corrosion resistant, shines REALLY nice if you take the time, and will be forgiving/easy to work with.

You could make a paper template of the sizes you want, slap it in a vice, use a rubber or brass mallet, and get something that would match your ideal design really easy. Not to mention, if you have a scroll saw and metal cutting blade you can get really intricate with aluminum.

For your exact question, no, thats pretty much it lol. Unless you wanted to use stainless or inconel, it would be a relatively easy process.

+1 to the Aluminium sheeting. Just dont get anything too thin. Before you start shaping it, you should aneal it to make shaping & cutting easier. It can be tempered (a little) once it is in the shape you want. To aneal it you just need to put a low heat flame to it. It will probobly blacken up with soot but that is fine, just wipe it clean with a rag. You need to get it warm but not hot. Anealing makes it much easier to bend/shape.

Once its shaped you can heat it up again & dunk it in some water. Then polish it up.

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