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Stratocaster Laminated Top

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I was looking on Google Images for some strat ideas when this popped out:


This is a Warmoth strato or something, but it just gost mewondering:

Does anyone know how they do that top that follows the shape of the guitar?

I was checking some other sources and it's really one piece of wood...


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There have been several posts detailing exactly that....one that comes to mind first was by Drak......but damned if I can find them.

The jist is you glue on the top first everywhere but the fore arm contour. Then apply hot water or steam to the point of the bend for a while to soften the fibers and apply a line of glue to the contact point. Clamp the portion of the top that's hanging out in the air. Apply a little pressure and just barely start to bend the top. Let it set a few minutes and repeat. Keep the bend point moist keep adding a new line of glue and keep adding a little pressure at a time. Take whatever time it takes....could be up to an hour or more. Some people add kerf lines to the back of the top where the bend will be, but they don't extend them to the edge so they will not be visible.

Now, I have not done this, I'm just repeating what I remember reading... keep searching, maybe you'll have better luck or maore patience than I.


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Tom Anderson Guitars does the kerfed way. They route the channels where the bend is but they don't glue the top down first. They route then put glue across the whole glue surface and screw the top down with wood screws into where the pickup cavities will be and use a vaccum sealed bag for the clamping pressure across the top. Something about even pressure and no where for the wood to go keeps it from breaking I believe is what he said in the video I saw of it being done. I would still put some heavy sand bags on it to be safe.

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