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Gibson Les Paul Build - Replica

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So I thought I would share my Les Paul that I built for free :). It's a bit different then what is normal for this website, but I thought what the heck.

Here is some Work In Progress of the modeling of the Body/Neck/Head-stock:






Some more Detail I did Last night:



Finally here is a Rough Render of the Shaders/Materials I made for the guitar as well as some lighting. Not as Photoreal yet but it's getting there:



Edited by Lt. Data
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Excellent. :-)

You'll find quite a few people here will love that. I remember one guy over on the mylespaul forums made a model taken from the carve of a '59 and modelled everything else down to the last mm. Including the textures! Perhaps I should have stuck with 3D animation back when I worked with lightwave.

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Nice work. What version of 3ds Max are you using? I have not touched anything newer than 2010 myself. I am looking forward to seeing more pics when you dial in the textures and lighting so the carve stands out more.

I'm using Max 2011, I started out using 12 but that version just pisses me off so I switched back to 11 haha. 2013 is pretty solid, I have no choice to use it anyway because it's for work. I can't wait to fancy it up though, I really want to get that high gloss shine and get the rest of those shadows in there and obviously the Fretboard needs better wood texture then that haha, but it's a place holder. I should have something up new in a few days, doesn't take long to finish but I've started a new project.

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