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Fast Guitars Kit First Build

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I've started a Fast Guitars kit build. I've never build a guitar kit before but have done some furniture finishing. I've always wanted to build a guitar, and this looked like a good quality kit on which to start and have fun. So far, so fun!

I've run into a quick snag and was wondering if any of you could help me diagnose it, then give insight on how to fix it.

I did a black layer and sanded back on my flame maple top and back. I'm noticing some splotches. I did clean with mineral spirits prior to any staining. I did sand down to 220 grit and wore nitrile gloves throughout cleaning and staining processes. I am using Keda water based dye.

Do you know what the marked splotches are and how I can get them out? Do I need to sand all the way back down to remove it? It's even worse on the back of the guitar but I have no photos of it at this time.


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That just looks like typical maple grain to me. Maple, Cherry and several others are prone to having some blotchy areas. They are just part of the growth pattern that have a different density and pore angle than surrounding areas. They would be less visible if you sanded all the dye off, but then you're left with either a natural finished guitar or paint.

Were it me, I'd just continue dyeing. Those areas will likely become less visible and if they don't just call them "figure". If it still bugs you, you can do a tint burst layer during the clear coating process and cover them that way.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think scotty is right, just the timber grain.

Sometimes you can get issues with glue seepage up into the grain if the top is to thin, or if the back surface was not properly plained. but that looks thick enough & of decent quality. So I think its just the grain goin funky at those points.

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