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How to protect a painted headstock?

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Currently working on my first refinishing project. I sanded down the front of the headstock, masked off the edges with tape, and then sprayed with reranch's blue anilyne dye aerosol and clear nitro. The edge came out perfectly. I haven't yet done a final sanding/polishing on it, I'm waiting for the clearcoat to dry a couple days. Now my question is, what's the best way to protect that edge where it goes from the original finish (just clear nitro, I believe) to the new finish? I don't just mean while sanding....it feels like the very edge would be very vulnerable to having the finish chip.

Also, I've got a small computer battery for a sanding block like suggested, and was just wondering if I should sand in a circular motion or continue going with the grain.


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I don't know about the battery part so let's move on :D

Haha, that's just a recommendation for a sanding block from the reranch 101 tutorial that I was following at first.

As for the headstock, I just removed the tape around the edge after doing several coats of clear, and the edge looks just about perfect. I was thinking that clear coating the edges would be the best way, but I don't know where I could stop when clearcoating the whole headstock without spraying the whole neck (which was already finished from the factory) as it's one piece. Any suggestions for how to get it to blend correctly? Thanks for the help, reading the posts and tutorials here have been a huge help to me.

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well if you take a piece of paper and just wrap it around the neck covering from the nut back over the fretboard, then spray the headstock area with clearcoat making sure you cover the side's you should be able to feather sand and blend it easily.

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I have had similar problems with my headstocks. I just do the face of the headstock and no matter how well I Sand the edges, it will eventually chip off. I don't want to go around the edges because I tung oil my necks. I I have been experimenting with over spraying clear just to the sides. Then I will sand them.

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Welcome to the forum cue.

I've gone through a few edges :D .One thing that might be an idea is to sand all over except on the edge,and use a good scratch and swirl remover with a cotton cloth,(old cotton diapers-clean ones-are really durable and soft),and polish down the edges.

I've had some good luck with Mother's,(California Gold), Scratch remover,(Mother's product #38408).It's avaliable all over the place ,is more aggresive than the Meguire's Static X,(also a good product),but not too aggresive that it cuts too fast.

And ya,I got a chuckle out of the battery suggestion too when I read it on Reranch,(but not in a mean spirited way.).

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Thanks, I'll have to try some of that scratch and swirl remover for the edges. I sprayed the sides of the headstock and kind of tapered it out....turned out a lot better than I expected. And trust me, this thing needed to be refinished lol. I got it as a floor model for super cheap, so it had some big gashes in it. I never liked the ugly yellowish natural finish on it, either. Going to start sanding the body today, so I'll post some pics this weekend. Thanks to everyone for the help.

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