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Knob & Pot question

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Hello everyone! I have a question for the North Americans on the forum --

Where does everyone pick up their pots for projects? I have found a bunch of places where 500k pots are inexpensive, but am having difficulty locating a good, cheap source for 250k pots. The same goes for dome knobs. Where does everyone turn for this stuff? Any helpful suggestions are appreciated!



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Thanks for the suggestions.

For me, StewMac and Allparts are definitely last resorts. Although quality and service is topnotch, prices tend to run higher than I'd like.

Guitarelectronics.com is a good suggestion. I actually had considered them and guitarpartsusa.com before for pots and preamp parts. I will probably go with them...



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a FYI http://www.torresengineering.com this is where i got my 1meg pots and my custom wiring kit for my strat and the rio grande pickups, he also sells hand made tube amps, and other neat guitar electronics stuff, this would be my suggestion if your wanting to make some customizations, and I think they have pearl topped dome knobs, id have to browse the site again, but i dont know what kinda price your considering cheap or not? I can just tell you they have been real nice to work with and so far have not screwed me, good luck.


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