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chord transitions

Curtis P

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hey hey,

I have decided to go back to the chords and do some stuff with them, right now I got Mr. jones-couting crows and Wheat Kings-tragicly hip

anyways, in Mr. Jones, heres the Verse chords: Am F Dm G

from F to Dm are there any tips that make it easier to make the transition? if my dad wasnt sleepin in the next room I could record that i am havin a hard time with it, I know your all going to say practie practice practice, but i wanna know, anyway to move like one finger or something while switching strings or whatever?? my old guitar teacher used to tell me all the tricks but not one from F to Dm



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Your index finger stays on the 1st string, 1st fret. You can use that to "anchor" your hand. You can even leave it on the 2nd string, 1st fret. It won't make a difference as you will fret the D on the 2nd string, 3rd fret. All you really have to do is invert your second and third fingers and transpose them one string higher.

Too easy.

For practice, I would just make the chord changes without strumming. Look at your left hand while you do. Once you are comfortable with making the change, add the strumming back in. Guitar playing is really just an advanced version of patting your head and rubbing your stomach. If you take away one or the other of those, it gets pretty easy. Once you're solid with that one, add the other back in.

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