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ibanez JEM project

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Hi, started a new project two nights ago. i found these great blueprint of the JEM777 and then i just had to start building. i dont like the monkeygrip, so i won't do that. i won't be at home for the next 10 days or so, so ich wont be able to do more work. it's 3 pieces of sapeli mahagony. what do you think so far???



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here's a picture of one of the guitars i build before. i messed this one up, when i glued the top on. but it was just a test anyway. the wood isn't nice either. the upper horn isn't finished as you can see. the carving, the lower horn and f holes are pretty good in my opinion.


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actually this one was just a test. i'll finish the pickup and tremolorouting and the electricstuff routing from the back and then i will give it to a friend. i want to build a seven string for myself. usually i dont like the ibanez style that much, but in my opinion a seven string has to be an ibanez. i want a mahogany back, flamed maple top, binding on top, no floyd rose and no pickguard. the neck will be a 3 piece neck. maple and i'm not sure which kind of dark wood. does anyone has any advices!?!

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8 string sound interesting, too, but a little to strange for me. i'll go with a 7 string first and then maybe sometime in the future a 8 string.

and there is no reason for the neckjoint. havent thought about it. but i'll give it away anyway. i dont like the wood too much. i have a lot of nicer blanks here. and i cant use this one, because i dont want a shaping on the top, because i dont want a really thick maple top. and i looks stupid, when you can see the mahogany because of the shaping and with no shaping i can do a nice natural binding. do you have templates for 7 string humbuckers???

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