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neck questions

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as i continue my string of question threads for the noob guitar building i come to the neck.

when routing a fenderstyle neck shape (tele), is the neck angled, ie does it get smaller as you go from bridge to nut. as i examine my fingerboard, i dont see an angle, thus if this is true would i have to somehow sand the fingerboard down to shape it? if so, how would i go about doing this.

secondly, when fitting a truss rod in a fenderstyle neck, is the truss rod picket routed the same way, ie from the front, under the fingerboard. i assume i would make the access cavity at the rescess of the peghead. please correct me if im wrong.

thanks in advance :D

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By angle do you mean does the neck taper? Yes, although I am not sure by how much on a tele. I just cut the fretboard as close to the shape of the neck as possible with my band saw then finished it up with a hand plane and some sand paper.

I assume you are not trying to do a skunk stripe? If you aren't then yes, the truss rod channel would be routed from the front. I do not know what type of truss rod you plan on using but I would recommend a double-action truss rod.

Out of curiosity, have you tried using the search function on the forum? Most of this stuff has been explained more than once.

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ha, i dont like search although i know these "clutter" the forum i find it more effective if the questions are answered to my needs.... ill try to use search more often though.

by "neck angle" i mean the neck from the bridget, gets less wide progressivley as it moves towards the nut.



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although not that dramatic, thats what i mean. anyways whether or not thats neck taper im not sure.

i ordered a hot rod from stew mac. so that can be fitted from the front right? following the standard truss rod installation instructions from the several books i have?

if this neck taper you talk about is what im talking about than how dramatic should that angle be? im just very curious i dont wanna mess up.

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to find the taper, you need to know the bridge spacing and the width of the nut, there is a calcuation to find all the dimensions of the fretboard it maybe online sumwhere idk where but i kno its in one of the building books i have and i cant remember the name of it,

o and btw books will help ya just as the search function does to answer question so they dont get repeated and some people get angry


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oh right, i have a book that might have those calculations in there... thanks, ill figure all that out tonight.

so, once i get the neck taper drawn out, i just sand, or cut the pre radiused, pre slotted fingerboard i ordered down to that size? how would i go about doing that?

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ha, i dont like search although i know these "clutter" the forum i find it more effective if the questions are answered to my needs.... ill try to use search more often though.

It's just that we can't explain how to build a guitar to every person who asks. It may be more effective but it can be rather rude. Besides, if you search on these things you might find different methods of doing things that might be easier for you to do. I spent probably 5 months just reading and researching before I started my bass and I am glad I did. I only had a handful of specific questions by the time I was ready to start building.

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ive been reasearching since november 27th 2003 (thanksgiving). its now july 2004 and i just started... ive done my fairshare of reasearch. like i said im sorry and in NO way whatsoever intend to be rude or offend anyone. and like i said ill try to use the search feature more often.

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