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CLOU Spraymat


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I was trying to find an aerosol nitrocellulose lacquer in Turkey but I think the only aeresol lacquer in Turkey is CLOU Spraymat Nitro-Lack (German brand).

I have no idea about it as there is no English or Turkish text on the can or somewhere in the internet.. all German :D . But it says "NITRO-LACK" so I think it is a nitrocellulose based aerosol lacquer just like StewMac's cans.

This is what it is:


And there are also some other products they sell with this can. These are in German:

1) Nitro-Schnellschliffgrund, farblos

2) Nitro-Lack, farblos, seidenmatt und matt

3) Zaponlack, wasserhell, bewahrt glänzende Metall-Oberflächen vor Korrosion.

4) Grau-Entferner entfernt Wasser- und Alkohol-Flecken sowie Grauschleier aus nitrolackierten Flächen.

Now what are these? can anyone translate?

Is there anyone in this forum who used this products before? probably from Germany?

Here's its link from it's german website:

CLOU spraymat

please check it out and give me an idea

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Thank you very much Phil!! It was just what I wanted to hear..:D

The guy at the store told me that it was "satin" for the "Nitro-Lack" can. and there was another CLOU Spraymat can there but I can't remember what was written on it. Was probably that "Grau-Entferner" thing, maybe some kind of a sanding sealer?

I will go there and check again today and probably buy some stuff.

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'lo there!

I'm not very familiar with laquer-stuff so i can be wrong...

1) Nitro-Schnellschliffgrund, farblos

Nitro-FastSandingGround, no colour

Seems to be a kind of sanding sealer,

2) Nitro-Lack, farblos, seidenmatt und matt

thats a nitro-laquer, no colouer, matt de lux and silk finish

think that says everything

3) Zaponlack, wasserhell, bewahrt glänzende Metall-Oberflächen vor Korrosion.

Zaponlaquer, bright as water (?), conserves shining metal-surfaces from corrosion

4) Grau-Entferner entfernt Wasser- und Alkohol-Flecken sowie Grauschleier aus nitrolackierten Flächen.

"Grey-Remover" removes Water- and alcohol-blotches as well as "grey-mist" from nitrolaquered surfaces.

Happy finishing..


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Hello again!

just found out that Zaponlack = cellulose lacquer :D

(http://dict.leo.org = german <-> english translator)

I din't find the funktion of lacquer retarder, but the german sentence says that it "cleans" a finish that has blotches. for me it sounds like a carpolish...

if thats the same function the retarder has..but i can't promise its the same.

Maybe you try to tipe the french description and Phil can translate..



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