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I´ve just ordered a T-style kit from universal jems.

I got gotoh tuners and a maple neck for it. I also got the string thru body conversion. Brian said that it would be approx. 2 weeks until I get the kit ( I live in sweden). I´m spending a lot of time thinking of how I want it to look and this is what Íve come úp with so far..


The pickguard will be made out of brushed stainless steel. And a guy at my job hooked me up with a proffesional airbrusher who´s gonna do the paint job.

I´m not totally satisfied with the design now, but I´m pretty much out ideas for the moment, and since all of u guys seem like semi pros maybe you could help me out...


btw..Would a stainless steel pickguard affect the pickups?


I can see the pic just fine.

As it is, you don't need an airbrusher to do the job, just good masking skills (clear contact paper cut VERY CAREFULLY) and a light touch with a spray can.

man, geocities doesnt allow hosting to any message boards etc... so you could try hosting your pics at www.fullservesite.com its free and easy as 3.141592654535.......

3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169.... but that's all I have memorized right now.

Look here in case you were curious.

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