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Band in a box has its uses, but I think you'll find that

a ) you will not get much variety in backing tracks for the genres I suspect you like

b ) It can sound a lot like elevator music if care isn't taken.

Frankly, I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole.


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Mac only info here...digital recording software:

Really cheap: GarageBand ($45)

Not so cheap: Logic 6 Pro ($1000, less with edu discount through Apple)

Not cheap at all: Pro Tools (thousand$)

To be even semi-serious about this, you'll need a good digital audio interface (USB or, better yet, Firewire) and a BIG and FAST hard disk. And at least 1 GB of RAM.

It adds up quick...

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I've posted the links in other threads too many times to be arsed, so you'll have to Google.

Windows hosts for under $100 that you should consider:


-Tracktion (newbie alert-- easiest software I've seen for newcomers)


-Energy XT (geek alert-- if you don't know what you're doing, this'll be tricky)

However, as Erik mentioned, there's not too much point if your soundcard is ass-tastic. If you use an on-board soundcard, or a Soundblaster, you'll need to install specialty drivers (geek alert) to get your latency down so that things don't sound all echo-y when you try to record them.

Honestly, it's not something to just jump into without trying it out first.

Freebies to get you started with just mucking around--

-Kristal Audio Engine


-Computer Muzys (comes on the cover disc of Computer Music magazine, so it's not exactly "free", but there's a lot of good software on the disc each month)

And if you REALLY want a very basic starting point-- Start-->Accessories-->Entertainment-->Sound Recorder

:D Already on your system.


[edit: just so that I wasn't completely going off the cuff, I checked out Band In A Box. It's still the same product I thought it was, which means it's PROBABLY not what you want; however, I did notice that they have another program called "Power Tracks Pro Audio" which was only $29 US and looked to be a decent enough starter program!]

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