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Everything posted by DCord

  1. Not true. F-spacing is purely cosmetic. This is quite an old topic on Jemsite's forum. You can do a search there to learn more about the physics of pickups and magnetic fields. ~d~
  2. Recessing behind the tremolo allows for a greater range of "pull up." You can pull the bar up further, thus allowing you to raise the pitch of a given note higher. ~d~
  3. Standard pickups work fine. The magnetic field encompasses all the strings equally. Besides, the strings are closely paired, you'll notice no difference... ~d~
  4. DChord, any chance you can post some pictures? Of the neck, or the entire guitar? ~d~
  5. Some of you know that my #1 guitar is a strat with a '56 neck (dated 4-56 on the heel). What no one knew, up until now, is that I purchased the neck at an estate auction for the extravagant sum of (gasp) $100. That's not a misprint. I win. ~d~
  6. G, You suck. love, ~d~ (That's Den speak for "Congrats, I'm insanely jealous!")
  7. Yes, yes, and I'd rather have cash. :-) ~d~
  8. These are electric necks, in the style of the Fender Stratocaster XII. I have two, one with a maple board and one with a rosewood board... ~d~
  9. Tonight I found a couple more things to add to the list... - 1 set of black Gotoh tuning keys. Not pretty. $GONE - Ibanez S1 single coil. $10. - Gold LoPro base assembly. Good for parts if you have a broken base. Has three saddles, inertia block, no bar holder. $GONE - Ibanez TZ6 trem unit off an RT650. Chrome, no bar. $20 - Gold Floyd locknut. $GONE Thanks for looking! ~d~ I should also mention that I'll cover shipping within the continental US. If you're out of the country, I'll have to ask you to cover actual shipping charges. Thanks!
  10. Ok, I'll offer you all the crap I'm trying to off (minus the JEM single, that's sold) for your Powerbook. LOL Of course, this would give you MORE sh*t to auction. LOL ~d~
  11. I'm cleaning out my supply of misc guitar parts, I have more and may add some to the list later... Unfortunately none of the pickups come with mounting screws or springs, sorry... -Dimarzio Evolution. DP159F. Black with about 8" of leads. $GONE -Unidentified Seymour Duncan humbucker size. Appears to be active (possibly a Live Wire?) I have to sell this as-is, since I received it in a trade, and have never installed it. $20 -Bill Lawrence dual blade humbucker. Again, another I received in a trade, so selling as-is. $20 -Dimarzio Jem single coil. Pink. $GONE I also (still) have two 12 string Fender style guitar necks. $75 each. I'll consider trade offers for the entire lot. Thanks! ~d~ dcord777@hotmail.com
  12. Scott, Does your Powerbook have a CD burner? ~d~
  13. Of course there's always the possibility that the guy got his pictures messed up... Good luck! ~d~
  14. I second that - check both your string height at the nut as well as the angle at which the nut slots are filed, if they don't follow the headstock angle, you could have improper string length... Now that I think about it, I could *never* get the 3rd fret G on the low E string to sound "right" on my LP... ~d~
  15. You guys should add dimensions for the inertia block opening in the body as well, this could vary from trem to trem... ~d~
  16. Yeah, I saw that last night. Those folks at Essex/Agile are pumping out some fantastic looking clones. I cannot wait to get my LP... ~d~
  17. (Starvin' Marvin voice) "Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet"
  18. Like I said, I've seen this mod done, and you will not be satisfied with the gap that will inherently be present. The problem is not in the length of thw rout (as I mistakenly posted earlier) but in the width. Because of where the vintage trem needs to be mounted, the "notch" next to the "ear" on the Fender trem will leave an exposed gap. If you think you are unhappy with the looks of the Floyd, try having a hole in your guitar next to the tremolo. Alex, great job with the drawings!!! ~d~
  19. No, the rout that goes through the body for the inertia block (the part that the springs attach to) is far longer than on a Fender tremolo. If you do the swap, you'll have a huge hole in the body under the bar, as I said in my previous post. I know this becuase I had a strat body that someone had done this exact mod to. You have to plug the stud holes, then drill out the new mounting holes, then you have to fill the lower half of the inertia block rout. This still doesn't address the issue of having a Floyd locknut on top of your neck. The tuning headaches alone of using this without locking it down or without fine tuners would be enough to turn me off of the project. ~d~
  20. LOL Kirk - always trying to buy something off somebody. hezochiah - the Floyd Rose pictured is the standard Floyd Rose unit. This unit can NOT be replaced with a standard Fender tailpiece. If you truly don't like it, take it back or sell it to Kirk and feed his Kirkitis. The springs in the back are a floating trem staple, the idea was invented by Leo Fender in the early 1950s, and has been on 90% of Strats ever made. The problem with swapping out the bridges lies with the bridge routing on the *top* of the guitar, along with the tremolo stud spacing. A Floyd Rose unit, even if it's not recessed, has a larger rout for the inertia block and bar holder than a standard Fender trem, you'll have a big hole in the body of your guitar, under the "ear" with the bar hole. PLus, as Kirk mentioned, you'll be stuck with the lock nut on the neck, and that's useless without fine tuners. If you really abhor the Floyd Rose unit, then you bought the wrong guitar. ~d~
  21. If your guitar is using a traditional Floyd (with the fine tuners, wide baseplate) then it is not possible to put a vintage Fender tremolo in your guitar without MAJOR modifications to the guitar's body. If your guitar has the newer Fender Floyd Rose (no fine tuners, smaller base) then the stud spacing is exactly the same as a Fender American Standard bridge, and the swap will work perfectly. Pictures would help us a great deal. ~d~
  22. Pretty nifty. However, if the guy used a Duo-Sonic (or other 3/4 scale "student" neck) he should have included it in the auction, so the buyer isn't left with useless body... That's just plain annoying. ~d~
  23. Bind one, if you have an RG7 board... :-) ~d~
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