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Everything posted by Simo

  1. Cheers genbloke! It actually turned up this morning but I'll deffinetly give Poolewood a try in the future.
  2. I'm from the UK I'm not sure who stocks it Gorilla Glue over here, and I'll think I'll find a new supplier for Titebond. If any Brit's can recommend any other shops that stock it please let me know
  3. I think I'll go with the Titebond, I'm waiting for some to be delivered from Craft Supplies, it should of been here over 3 weeks ago
  4. Cool thanks for the advice the guy next door to my workshop sprays cars so I can get some thinners for free too
  5. http://members.fortunecity.com/jtfish/lpc/cvr/cover.htm
  6. I've just ordered a couple of bookmatched 1/4" Cocobola tops. I understand from what I've read here that it requires wiping down with Naptha before glueing beacuse of the high oil content, but I stumbled across this on http://www.driskillguitars.com/ "Cocabola takes special epoxy due to its extremely high oil content. This epoxy is specially made for cocabola and has oil in the resins. I tried regular epoxy on some test boards and it delaminated. " So has anyone used this 'special' epoxy? if so who makes/sells it?
  7. I think there's a free LP Junior plan on http://www.guitarbuild.com , don't know if that's any good for ya.
  8. There's a couple of Les Paul plans in the Advanced Memeber Section, click here for more info.... http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2828
  9. Very nice work indeed ...oh and a little tip for taking pics with a digital camera, I've found that taking pics outside get's much better results than taking them indoors.
  10. Wow .......and I thought I had took many projects on the go
  11. That is by far the coolest looking LP I've ever seen
  12. yep I think bluespresence is spot on.... http://www.ibanezrules.com/catalogs/us/1991/ex.jpg Nice axe
  13. Is there a serial number on the neckplate?
  14. I can't wait to see that double neck when it's finished
  15. If you ever want to throw any other bodies away feel free to send them to me! Looking foward to seeing the pics
  16. a Blacksmith? umm ok There's a Warlock plan on helliumbrz's site... http://helliumguitars.vilabol.uol.com.br/ altough I don't know how accurate that is to the original design.
  17. Hi, welcome to the forum Another option would be to print out a free cad template from http://www.guitarbuild.com and make your own template(s)
  18. Yeah it's a cheap import I'm too poor to buy a USA Jackson they were made in the mid-ninties I believe. This is the 2nd one I've owned, it's a nice guitar much better build quality than the current imports.
  19. My Jackson PS3 Rhoads is 45mm Mahelcaya, this thread should help.... http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=11746
  20. I use clear nail varnish on my jack sockets, works great
  21. Doesn't really class as a tool but my dust extractor is the most useful thing in my workshop
  22. Have a look at this... http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...913&hl=tung+oil Although I'm not sure if it would be the ideal finish for Basswood, as I believe it dents very easily
  23. I'm in the UK so I can't recommend anywhere in the US/Canada, you should find them in car and motorbike shops. http://www.caswellplating.com seem pretty good, they've got some tutorials on the site too. Here's there stainless kit.... http://www.caswellplating.com/buffs/sspolkit.html If you've got any questions about metal polishing just ask
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