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Everything posted by Simo

  1. As I'm short on workshop space I use a jigsaw, it's quite powerfull (800w). It's plenty quick enough for me and I've never broken a blade, I can rough cut a body in a couple of minutes... but like the other guys say just don't cut too close.
  2. I think Peavey made a guitar called 'Mantis', but I could be wrong
  3. I agree, I've also found that pinch harmonics are harder to get when the strings are too low.
  4. Woah if my first neck turns out like that I'll be very happy, top work
  5. You could always use a jigsaw to rough cut the body
  6. According to the first page of that Craft Supplies PDF, John Shuker is a tutor/custom builder there, so it deffinetly sounds like he knows his stuff ...oh and welcome to the forum , I'm also in the UK
  7. It's about time I updated this! I've just brought a Jackson Rhoads that needs stripping and painting so that's been taking up a lot of my free time lately. The sanding of the edges is just about done and I drilled the holes for the string ferrules etc. I'm about to buy a router bit with a bearing so I'll wait until thats arrived before I route the rear control cavity as I'll only mess it up with the straight bit I'm currently using.
  8. Yep D'addario do them....
  9. Seeing as a thicknesser is way out of my budget at the moment I was wondering if it was possible to get good results using an electric planer to plane my body blanks instead? or is there any other methods I could use? Thanks
  10. I don't like Ernie Balls, they're ok when they're first on but I find they go dead within a week. I use D'addario 9-42 and I find they sound better and last longer. I used Boomers for a short while and I really liked them they'd deffinetly be my 2nd choice after D'addarios
  11. www.guitarbuild.com has a free DWG reader program
  12. Yep pics working fine now, very nice work
  13. Hendrix for me, closely followed by Slash and Zakk Wylde
  14. I play the guitar in a metal band, kinda a cross between Megadeth, Maiden and Pantera We haven't gigged much in the last couple of years partly due to swapping drummers a couple of times and partly to the other guys going to Uni etc. But hopefully we'll be back on stage soon After our first drummer left the band it took us a year to find a re-placement , so myself, the singer and other guitarist started an acoustic band. We played a wide range of covers... Maiden, Bowie, Nirvana, Chuck Berry, Lifehouse, Incubus....the list goes on. It was great fun but there's nothing like playing your own music
  15. These came with a job lot of parts I recently brought, as I don't have the tools (or skill ) to build a neck at the moment I'm selling them on Mahogany neck blank (27"x 3" x 2"), Rosewood fretboard and new truss rod..... £20 + £6 p+p I will only post to the UK, cheque or postal order, sorry NO PAYPAL
  16. That's true, but don't always assume that the tab on the net is 100% correct, I've seen some really inaccurate tabbing out there
  17. Have a look at this thread...... http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=9039
  18. I post on.... www.planetblaze.com (home to the awesome metal band BLAZE) www.zakkwylde.com www.yamaha-rd.com (RD/LC motorbike forum) www.guitars101.com
  19. There might be some info on the website.... www.teslatek.com
  20. Hi, welcome to the forum There's some very good tutorials on stripping etc on the main site
  21. I've got 4 brand new Tesla humbuckers that came with a job lot of parts I've recently brought. According to the packaging they're made by Samshin Electronics. Has anyone used these pickups? I'd like to know if they're any good before I wire them in. cheers
  22. I've just about finished sanding the edge's, this week I need to route the control cavity, drill the holes for the bridge etc....oh and I've just brought another Alder/Maple blank to build something to go with the Kramer neck I've got proberly some sort of Superstrat type thing Sorry it's not for sale at the moment and if/when I do sell it a friend of mine has first refusal.
  23. If you want a custom one making check out... www.preciousmetalproducts.co.uk
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