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Everything posted by truerussian558

  1. i love the inlay, it actually looks like a painting not an inlay which is hard to achieve with inlays especially complex one, and the materials are a great contrast to the wood (what is i the wood by the way). just a question, how do you route out the inlay cavities on such small pieces?
  2. the problem with a 36 fret bass is that its just much easier to use a guitar instead of reaching that far up on a bass
  3. i like it except please tell me the pickup postitions are rough scetches as for sanding the insides of the cutaways finding someone with an oscilating spindle sander, will help emmensly (sure helped me) as sanding inside the cutaways with a block or by hand is a pain in the arse but anyway good luck and i hope it turns out great, btw what color is it gonna be"
  4. the only thing you could do on the high frets are finger nail playing,.... inless you are a midget seems like a hellaofa guitar btw, it just a bit impractical.
  5. yes like one of those harp guitars, they scare me also if you dont make it a bass sized body i think it would look unbalance with this overly large fretboard/neck, and a guitar sized body
  6. well you could always increase the scale lenght, to make it a bit wider, but to make it even possible to play i think the scale would have to be increased substantially. and consdering the already long neck, it might bend and other deformities in the neck might occur just my $.02
  7. if it came off as arrogant then, sorry it was ment as constructive criticism,
  8. uh ask the guy on drums to go easier, i dont think he needs 100 watts. and contrary to popular beleif a 100 watt amp is not 10 times louder" (persceivable louder) then 10 watt amp, its only 2 times as loud. The secret is an efficient speaker, even 1 watt through a good speaker is pretty loud./ rantover. can you specify how high you will go, like just a one piece amp or are you willing to rake out for a full stack?
  9. painters critics are ralrely painters, just because i cant do better doesnt mean i cant critizise, and besides hese been doing it for a while, and whould know better then to not use freehand routes, and i have gone over them later, and smoothed them out a bit .
  10. ahh well freshman means 9th grader, sophmore=10th grade but im not sure if the schooling system is different in the u,k. meaning ages when it starts and ends and so on.
  11. high five my namesucks. so are going to be a freshman or sophmore next year?
  12. kinda creepy, but yet we still drink it. , concentrated coca cola is considered a chemical agent
  13. yes the quality of the routes really jumps out at me in the picture, even if they will be covered, i think it would be hard to live with the fact that every time you pick up the guitar youll think about a glaring flaw you left in it just my $.02
  14. if anyone knows any good notation sites, id be happy p.s. free i mean
  15. looks firey, actually it reminds me of a mutated les paul...
  16. that drawing is migthy usefull, now if only they where 5 drawings that where seperate
  17. i havent heard the song, but the solo by ear seems kinda choppy, unless its supposed to be that way the second one sounds good at thats what counts, maybe youve got an intro for a new song or whatever BTW for your songs are you actually thinking what scale you are in and w/e and working scientifically or just stringing together things you know sound good?
  18. http://www.guitarbuild.com/modules/mydownl...ewcat.php?cid=4 are some good ones there, you need to dl a cad viewing software (availabler on site). theres a bolt on explorer plan on the first page, and a neckthrough on the second. now these are probably not perfect, but you can take them to like kinkos or wherever and they can priont them out full size.
  19. read up on the frets, the first one is seems hard to find but maybe a nail would do? and it seems the slots would be hard to cut the other frets also look strange, they stick out and they have a sharp point, i suspect it would be easy enough to take regular frets and ground them to this angle, i bet they wear down quickly so i think ss frets are recomended also the nut looks very strange. so i think you can be the next chapman and make the inovations yourself
  20. actually looking at it its quite engenious in the marketing sence, it is one piece of wood. with the fretboard as part of the wood, also the electronics is housed in a box and just installed later, meaning the route for the electronics is a simple angled paralellogram. The only thing that is hard to get is the bridge, and the frets are patented by them as "rail" frets. i suppose if you get the parts you most likely would make the total costcost much less then the manufactored stick (1810 seems a tad too much)
  21. wow thats THE best squire i have ever seen, and how did you get it so the routing wont tear away the sparkly finish or did you touch up? so did you make the neck, or do squires really come with figureed maple fretboards?
  22. heh burn BURN *pulls out magnifying glass* damn, that ant ran away. But that looks killer, hope it turnout as good or even... Better
  23. yes the satin chrome looks wonderfull, especially if you want it to be a more "old time" guitar yet use modern parts
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