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Everything posted by avengers63

  1. Now THAT, my friends and fellow luthiers, is what complaining that you didn't win looks like. I, however, have been complaining about the criteria of a minority of the voters.
  2. I have done it! Ha ha ha... I've made PLENTY of mistakes that have been learned the hard way, but I haven't made that one. It's good to know that I'm not the only one who acts like a bonehead now and then.
  3. Dude... you're completely missing what I've been saying today. This is the third time you've mis-read me in this thread and accused me of saying something other than what I've been saying from the get-go. Have I told anyone how to vote? No. I've commented on how SOME do and offered proof that it happens. I've said what I think the criteria should be, but acknowledged that this isn't the case and there's nothing to be done about it. In this thread, have I made one single complaint about losing? Seriously - go back and look. I haven't. I said that I'm frustrated, but that's a far cry from saying that I should have won. Seriously guys - I don't EXPECT to win anymore. I'd really like to, but I have no belief that it will happen. Between having set some folks off by verbalizing my thoughts (like this thread here ) and the reality that my designs and aesthetics are just not vanilla enough to appeal to everyone, I've given up on winning. Even with that understanding, I've stated clearly why I still enter. But all of that being out there, I'm STILL not complaining about not winning. I've not blamed anyone or anything today for a loss. In fact, this post right now is the most I've talked about losing all day. YOU have talked about me losing more than I have. I've made no mention today about some of the things I've mentioned before. That's because I'm done talking about it. You bring it up a lot, so you don't seem to be done with it, but there's nothing I can do about that. So let me re-state it yet again. I don't agree with the criteria some people use for the voting. No numbers, no names, no accusations, no conspiracy, no "I deserved to win"..... I don't agree with some people's criteria. Aside from defining said criteria and offering proof, that's as far as I've gone today. So all of y'all need to pull out of me and stop arguing with me about what I did not say. As for asking for a different set of eyes to point out areas of potential improvement.... there's an appropriate time and place for that. It's while the thing is being made, and in the build thread. If you think I can make an improvement on an instrument, say it while the comment can still make a difference. If you want me to make what you call the next step and put it all together in one place like you SAY you do... ...then say it while it still matters. We may have developed out differences, but I still respect your ability and value your input. There's a saying - you're either part of the problem or part of the solution. If I'm dorking something up and can't see that I'm doing it, but you fail to LMK, then which part are you? The threads are out there as an open invitation to be commented on. That IS asking for a different set of eyes. So either put up or shut up. on a different note... The mirror is epoxied on, the binding would get trashed, and it's wider than my planer so I could never get it level again. Then there's the fact that the neck won't ever fit on another body because it's a back-bolt AND contoured to match this body. It'd honestly be easier to make a whole new guitar and save that one for when/if I ever get a band together again.
  4. Hey, if you win, then you win. I don't hold it against you. That being said, I DO join the others in encouraging you to post a progress thread or two. We all like reading them and watching how others do their thing. I'm sure we could all learn something from you, just as you'll be able to learn from us. Even if it's a different perspective, that can sometimes be helpful. Welcome to the board, and keep us updated!
  5. I honestly thought I was. The remainder of the comment is irrelevant to the point I was making: that French's history and reputation was what pulled his vote. Listen, if anyone doesn't like my guitar for whatever reason, that's fine. I wasn't going to get your vote anyway, so it's no big deal really. I was using your own words to make the point, not to convict you in any way. As for the accusation of a tantrum, you couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm not mad, I'm not throwing a fit, I'm not crying that I thought anyone should have voted for me. Go back through and re-read my posts. My statement was, and is, that 1) I believe the voting should be on the guitar itself and no other factors, and 2) that's not the way some people cast their vote. I then gave my evidence to support my claims. I mentioned no names and accused no one. If you took my using your statement as evidence to be inflamatory or took it personally, I sincerely apologize.
  6. Just don't wait for the last day to enter it! I've been considering stripping the mirrored Iceman for parts. The main place I get to play is at church. They don't want me playing the mirrored one anymore because of random blindings in the congregation from the lights. The thing is that it;s the best sounding ax I have! Well, that and the headless V, but they're two different piles of awesome, so it's really hard to compare. Anyway, I've been thinking about doing it with basically the same woods, but thinner and w/o the mirror. I don't want to risk losing the sound with other woods. Probably spray the whole thing a modest color like Corvette yellow. Maybe you should mind your own business and stop trying to psychoanalyze me through some posts on an internet forum. You don't know me, I'm VERY self aware and introspective, you're way off target, and bugger off from me forever.
  7. 3/4 of a can of aerosol poly is all this neck is getting. All I'm going to do is level it out (won't take much) and then maybe steel wool. I night buff it out, but probably not.
  8. I know you're just blowing smoke and trying to say "chill". FWIW: I have 4 active builds going on right now, and 3 more back-burners working. Believe me - I have PLENTY on my plate right now for builds. 3 of the 4 active ones are in various parts of the finishing stage, and I'm hesitant to kick up too much dust. And I love a good soapbox rant.
  9. Name any time that I said that was the only reason you've won. You can't find it because I never said it. So you can be insulted if you like, but it'd be for something I did not say. Reputation and personality conflicts influences the votes, period. If THAT'S what you're offended by, then I'm with you. It SHOULD be based on the actual work presented, and nothing else. But it's not. For many, probably the majority, I'd like to think it is. And never did I say that your particular entries didn't deserve to win. I've always acknowledged your skill. I've said that your rep will have given you an edge in some cases. Maybe it made a difference in the voting, maybe it didn't. Maybe my being vocal about my thoughts has caused me to lose, maybe it didn't. All I can say with absolute certainty is that it HAS cost me votes, and that reputation will give someone the nod.
  10. Did I say that I felt EVERYONE was voting this way? Never once did that come from me. Clearly that's not the case. But it does happen. Based not only on the work entered, but on the previous work, which is NOT entered. And yes, you have had your share of "loyalty votes" too. I suppose it's pretty easy for you to try and discount them when you're on the receiving end of it all. Don't believe me? It later came out WHY you were entering... But what's so special about having 5 wins? So you needed to feed your ego. Gotcha. You were even brazen enough about it to admit it publicly - that you were entering until you felt like you had won it enough. Frankly, that's the most arrogant thing I'd heard in a very long time. So how did the fickle populace of PG respond to this narcissist run amok? They called you humble and wanted more. So yes, there IS a cult of personality here that follows and votes for the PERSON rather than the GUITAR. I couldn't agree with you more, which leads me into another aspect of the cult of personality. Just as some vote for those they like, some people - not all, but some - DON'T vote for someone because they don't like them personally. I know for a fact that I've been on the receiving end of this because I got a PM stating it. I got on a soapbox right before the voting and it pissed someone off enough that they not only voted against me because of it, but they told me about it. If it happened once, it certainly has happened more than that. In the same vein, Kill's social reputation here is that he's a self-loathing, whining, immature young man. I've never taken that stance with/about him, but many others have. Given that I was voted against because of personality conflicts, it's safe to presume that he was as well. All of this brings me back to the point I've made multiple times, and have been agreed with both publicly and privately: GOTM is as much of a popularity contest as much as anything else. So this begs the inevitable question: If I know that's what it is, why would I continue entering? I'm not too big to admit it. I'm as human as anyone else, and have the same needs that everyone else has. I want the recognition and respect of my peers. Everyone does. If you try and deny it, you're lying. True, some need it more than others, but the need remains. It's part of our basic human make-up. So there you have it. I need to be acknowledged by my peers that I do indeed know what I'm doing. So when You, Perry, or Scott f'ing French jump into the pool.... you who want only bragging rights or to have MORE acknowledgment than you already have... it's frustrating. It's frustrating because you've had yours already, but you need more for some reason. And them some newbie comes in with basically the same ax Kill entered, but is on the brink of winning where Kill never was... it speaks volumes.
  11. No. We just need people to act like adults, not pre-teen fanboys following the cult of personality, basing their decisions on the persons reputation/history/friendship/whatever rather than the actual entry.
  12. Here ya go.... http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-1975-John-Birc...=item1e5f564e9e
  13. Yep. I needed to switch to an aerosol first coat. I DID try spraying the w/b poly first... with the Misto sprayer. It gave me a good even coat, but the atomization wasn't fine enough and left it wet enough to draw the finish out. Switching to a rattle can made all the difference in the world. While I was testing the spray can, I called Woodcraft. They suggested thinning down my shellac 2:1 to 3:1 and using it as a seal coat. The suggestion was that it wouldn't be enough to green out the color, but would still seal it in. I did as they said, even waiting overnight until I put the w/b over it. Well, it didn't seal it in. The w/b over the top STILL drew the color through. I even tried it with full strength shellac, but even THAT didn't seal the dye in. Fortunately, a rattle can of w/b lacquer from Auto-Zone did the job perfectly. I'm trying it out right now with a spray can of w/b poly. If that works as well, I'll be able to empty the can onto the body, then use a brush to build the thickness. Otherwise, I'll be getting some more cans of the lacquer. Either way, I know it'll work, so it's safe to proceed. On a different note, I saw a can of orange automotive lacquer at Auto-Zone that I'll be using on an Airline copy I have on the back burner. Ya don't see many orange guitars without "GRETSCH" on the headstock. The goofy Airline guitars are just begging for a strange finish, so there you go. Add in either a bocote or chechen neck to class it up a bit, some old Tiesco singles, and a Tiesco vibrato and we're good to go!
  14. DANG but this is going to look 14 different kinds of awesome when it's done! Picture some chrome hardware and a white pickguard on it.
  15. I really like Slade and Sweet. I got turned on to them both a couple of years ago.
  16. I firmly believe "instrument grade" is a marketing ploy to charge double the market price. You need clear (knot & defect free), straight-grained, properly dried wood. It needs to be stable and neither warped, cupped, nor twisted. Any reputable lumber yard sells exactly that. And if you want pine, make sure it's white, not yellow. Specify that you need molding grade or beter. Yellow pine has REALLY hard growth rings with REALLY soft wood in between. It's dang-near impossible to get it perfectly smooth & flat.
  17. I found that as well. It's supposed to be no the bright side, but I haven't found that at all. I've made two guitars and one neck from walnut, and I've found the tone to be pretty balanced and very pleasing.
  18. They're good. After Dio they weren't worth a crap though. Paranoid is a classic album that should be in everyone's collection. They're a band that I like, but not enough to get all of the albums. I'd rather cherry-pick their catalog. Iommi isn't very much of a technical player, but he's very under-rated for what he's good at. He came up with hook after hook. A complete riff-master. Why do you ask?
  19. Maybe it's a UK vs USA thing, but what's so special about John Birch?
  20. I'm trying something different with this neck. First, I took the blank to the final thickness (5/8") before anything was done to it as all. I don't think there will be any heel issues because 1) it's a set neck and 2) I'll be taking nearly nothing from the thickness sitting proud of the body, and 3) I'll be using all surface-mount pups, so nothing will be taken from the tenon. The second thing I'm trying is during the shaping of the neck. A while back I discovered the "D-Flat" shape, and decided that I really like it in general. So when I started the contouring, I took a big roundover bit to the back. This got the ball rolling very nicely. The third thing is some finessing of the shape. The last two necks I made had identical profiles on both sides of the neck: flat back with rounded edges. The "finger" side and the back of them feel GREAT. The "thumb" side, however, is too much of a ledge... the roundover is too sharp. So this time, I made it asymmetrical. I'm really interested in seeing how it plays. It already feels better in my hand than the others.
  21. Ya know Fraser, that might just work. Let's give it a shot and see what happens! GENIUS!!!!! It seems that I didn't have enough material in front of the zero-fret. When I tried to put in the fret, the end shot across the room. Crap. OK... just a nut this time. I also got the basic contouring of the headstock done.
  22. I had no issue up until that last statement. It smacks of superiority and condescension, and is thus more instigative than conversational. While i fully support you pushing the limits of what can be done i have to agree with John not every one wants or likes a thin neck so loose the atitude. He immediately edited the original post and apologized for coming off like that. As far as I'm concerned, we're good.
  23. I had no issue up until that last statement. It smacks of superiority and condescension, and is thus more instigative than conversational.
  24. I wetsanded the fretboard with lineed oil at 400, then twice at 600, letting it dry a full day between applications. I then buffed it out to 4000, and decided it didn't look as good as I wanted it too. Yesterday, I gave it a coat of poly. This morning I wetsanded it at 400, then gave it another coat. It doesn't look like it'll need ANYTHING else at this point. giggidy
  25. Did you rout out the chamber or did you take it to a scroll saw?
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