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Everything posted by mattdowney

  1. i have an idea of how you could do the 12 tuners. put 6 on the headstock like a normal strat, and 6 on the bottom edge of the body. i know this sounds crazy but i have seen it on guitars before and it works well. it also looks good too. i have never seen it on a strat but on some other guitars. this is a BC rich 10 string. it has 4 tuners on the body. i know its a BCrich and has a funny body shape but you will get the idea. bc rich here is a BC rich double neck with 6 tuners on the body. bc rich 2 you could out the tuners on the bottom edge of the body, i think it could look really cool on a strat. hope this helps. later on
  2. go to www.jcfonline.com its the best jackson/charvel fourm i have seen. post up some pictures of it!! ......please
  3. hey, i would like to wire i black ice overdrive onto my guitar. i was looking at the tutorial and its not very clear what i have to do. can someone direct me to a better one or just explain this one to me? i have wired guitars before so it will be no problem i just need good instructions. i have heard that i can just use diodes instead of the part from stewmack, what will i need to buy? also i saw in this thread that you can make a on off switch for it? (scroll down the page) strawberry ice can anyone help me out? thanks
  4. those ed roman ones look like tye-dye shirts from the 70s hahah
  5. take the amp! its free! in this world talk anythign that comes to you free. let me see , 150 watts, MARSHALL, take it and if its not something you like sell it. or take it and give it to me
  6. ok i am no expert guitar builder but i have built guitars before and set a few up. to set the intonation you are going to need a good tuner. ok first tune the string you are setting ,tune it as perfect as you can get it. then tune it to the 12th fret on the same string. press down very gently. if the note you fretted is flat move the saddle foward (towards the neck) if the note is sharp move the saddle back (away from the neck). do this a tiny bit at a time. after you move the saddle tune the string again (tune it open). then check it at the 12th fret to see if it if perfect, keep trying till you get it perfect. when it is intonated perfect both the open note and the fretted note at the 12th fret will read exactly the same. do this to all the strings and your guitar will sound better! i promis. this may sound complicated but it is actually very somple and straight forward. and you will feel good that you intonated you guitar yourself, instead of paying a shop to do it. i hope this helps, later on
  7. wow...... those are some pretty nice guitars. i love that PRS. i think caparison have some of the most buitiful[ guitars i have ever see. (well them and prs) www.kyowashokai.co.jp/caparison-horus.html and who can resist this baby? www.tcgakki.com/tcgakki/inst/guitar/03/DSCN4967.jpg sorry you may have to cut and past those links onto your browser. later on, matt
  8. want to give us some pictures? how will we know how much better you have made it without pictures ? haha - electronics, go to www.guitarelectronics.com they have almost every wirering diagram you can imagin. -if you are buying a new bridge bring the old one to the store you get it from and they will give you the one with the right spacing and fit. -tuners, groverare still great tuners, so are fender. ping are also very good and fairly cheap. i hope this helps, and good luck with the project. matt
  9. wow! thats crazy, i pity anyone that tries to wire that, i have a question though, what is a varitone control? and how do these play?
  10. i was looking at some BC Rich guitars, and i saw a few bc rich bitches that have alot of knobs on them, look at thses pics http://www.edroman.com/avail/guitar/bcrich...l_bcr122724.JPG http://www.edroman.com/avail/guitar/bcrich...l_bcr122729.JPG anyoe know what they all do? those guitars look amazing, do they play well? almost every BC Rich i have ever seen was ugly looking, was dumb and pinty with ugly paint jobs. but those 2 are really nice looking. do they play good? thanks
  11. Somehow, I don't think Alberto has the option of scooting down to the Guitar center for new pots. hahahahhahah i am a idiot! sorry i guess i never read that! umm, i guess you will have to modify the pot!
  12. or just buy new pots haha i wouldent fool around with modifying pots, it would be dificult, and you would loose response and tone of the pot. just buy some new ones, my local guitar shop has these cheap 5$ pots that are amazing i use them on all of my guitars.
  13. THAT IS AMAZING, i love it. i dont really like the white pickups and knobs, but thats just me. i think it would look stunning with black pickups gold pickup mounting rings and gold knobs. i know that seems liek a bit much, but it would make it amazing. something that would be just as good would be just some gold knobs. i think it would add alot of class to the guitar. good work! i wish i had those artistic skills. later on
  14. HOLY ****!!!!! i am speachless............. amazing job man! it looks better than factory made jems! want to sell it to me? haha
  15. yeah...but i really like the direction it sends the cable out at...i thought about recessing it into the actual v part on the lower wing (right about opposite of the bottom strap pin) but i ended up doing it this way...maybe on the next one thanks for the kind words ,but it really is not perfect...i know where every little flaw is (mostly in the finishing) and it drives me crazy for example...a gnat flew into the clearcoat and i didn't notice it until it was already about .5 mm under the finish it is under the trem plate,but i know it is there...at least it was not something bigger...like a frog i like it alot. i have a strat plate on my rhoads that i made and i love it. alot of flying vs have odd jack locations, but the strat plate solves the problem. this is just my oppinion. strat plate on my rhoads: http://photobucket.com/albums/v169/mattdow...ar_pics_056.jpg i think it looks really good on my guitar! i think it looks a bit odd on wes's guitar, but it makes it much more practical.
  16. hey, i have just purchased a boss GE-7 eq pedal. i have been fooling around with it and i can get some great sounds out of it. i am using it as a boost pedal to boost my volume for when i play a solo, but i use the eq to shape my solo sound. what do the 6 EQ sliders do. ok that makes me sound stupid, whitch ones are mid, trebal and bass? i know how it works, i can tell from playing around with it, but does anyone know whitch is witch? they are labled (from left to right) 100, 200, 400, 800, 1.6k, 3.2k, 6.4k. also what are some of your settings for this pedal? if someone could post some up it would be great. hope someone can answer my question later on
  17. it sounds like its microphonic, very microphonic. i dont know if a active pickup can become microphonic though. i know passive pickups can, i had a microphonic pickup once, oh god it was gross, it made me not want to play. i could also be bad wireing. check over al lthe conections and solder joints. i hope this helps matt
  18. thanks guys, its gone to high. does anyone have one they would sell me? or know anyone that has one for sale? any help would be great. thanks
  19. hey i am looking for a EQ pedal. does this look good to you? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3742226408&rd=1 please respond, the bid ends in 1 day. thanks in advance, matt
  20. hey, (sorry i posted a simalar topic yesterday, but i never got the responses i needed) will a Boss OD-1 overdrive pedal (an older one with only 2 knobs) work to boost my sound for solos? if i hit it before a solo, when i am on my amps distortion channel will it give me alittle volume and gain boost? i need something to make my solos heard, and i know where i can get one of these for free, all in good condition. even if it doesent give me a volume boost will it make my sound stand out over the rythem guitar? i dont want to have to switch to my clean channel to turn it on, i just want to hit while on the distortion chanel. any help will be greatly apriciated. thanks , matt
  21. hey, i play in a metal band and i need something to boost my sound for when i play solos, so they are not overtaken by the rythem guitar. is there anything that will boost my siginal, give me more volume and maybe gain? would a overdrive pedal work? i know if you turn on a distortion pedal on while your amp is on distortion it will just make noise and feedback but would a overdrive pedal do this? any welp will be greatly apriciated. thanks ,matt
  22. HOLY ****! wooooooo that top looks amazing!!! on second thought is sucks, wanna sell it to me? hahaha no its absolutely buitifull! i bet you that will be a amazing guitar! well at least amazing looking! later on, matt
  23. imm really sorry but, that wirering diagram is pretty bad. it most likely works but i would check a website and then match yours up to it to see if its right. matt
  24. i would say buy a set of dimarzio PAF classics. they have a very classic look and tone. i have a PAFpro in the neck position its very nice sounding, nice and classic, with nice crunch, my friend has 2 paf classics in his PRS they sound AMAZING! very classic and nice. think slash, randy rhoads, zepplin, gibson sound,. they are a bit expensive. they are about $70-$80. but there are good ones on ebay. idd say they are a very good choice. if you want a bit more crunch put a PAFpro in the bridge and a classic in the neck. also check out gibson pickups they are amazing in sound and quality. or seymour duncan they are really good too. hope this helps, good luck. matt
  25. woooo, i think its a really good deal. go for it!
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